(no subject)

Aug 25, 2005 16:30

"Well, another day, another chance for me to trip myself."
I said this after I tripped over a raised section of sidewalk on my way back to the car. It was rather large jerk there from that thing, but I smiled and laughed it off with the above statement.


Music: My Playlist:
Includes Full opening and ending credits songs of animes FMA, FMP, and Naruto

Well, I feel a new beginning...again. This time different from the others, just as all new chapters in a book are different. I mean, who would write chapter two and then write chapter two again as chapter twenty? It would just become a tedious read if they kept rewriting chapters keeping all the same information except for one new item. And, as Albert Einstein said: "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." (((For a list of a few more Albert Einstein quotes, check my info page)))

OMG my computer engineering class is going to be soo tedious. I can do most of the conversions and calculations in my head but the teacher requires just about EVERY step to be placed...I DENY YOUR COMMANDS! I'll only show that I know what I'm doing and not lower myself to showing that 65536-1 = 65535! or that I don't know that 2^24= (2^23)*2! By the way, 2^23=8,388,608. Oh, and 2^10=1024. And 16*16=256. (Someone was amazed that I knew that. They actually randomly asked me if I knew that, and I answered 256, and they were like, "Wow." But that was back in high school, and I thought, uhh..was that supposed to be something hard?)

Some people are just strange. :P

BTW->Here is my family name in Binary: (straight from memory)

Hah! I actually memorized that...for the time being. Watch me not think it again for a month and forget it.

Ok, well, time for the main reason I was going to make a post for today...nvm, I'll do it on my next post and devote it entirely to it.

As for this post, might as well free my mind of other topics as to not corrupt the next post as well.

Hmm...what do I want to get off my mind?

I feel like an untapped genius.
I feel like a lazy bum.
I feel like a FPS gamer..that actually has a limit to how long he can play.
I'm loosing my touch in Starcraft.
I have random bursts of luck.
I want to enjoy this new blogging start.
I joined a club!! :D
--It has meetings every Wed. @ 7pm, room scheduled available for 7-10pm
--It's an anime club.
I want to go to AWA. (aka Anime Weekend Atlanta)

"...one of the strongest motives that lead men to art and science is escape from everyday life with its painful crudity and hopeless dreariness, from the fetters of one's own ever-shifting desires. A finely tempered nature longs to escape from the personal life into the world of objective perception and thought." (Albert Einstein)

THAT is SO true. Of course, it could also explain religion as well. [and in case you wonder, I don't really have a big list of quotes from each person, just from Einstein. But I do have a list of random funny quotes. (posted long long ago)]

AH! I forgot I already have Ep. 159 of Naruto, must watch now! :D
FMP: The Second Raid is showing tonight, but can't see till weekend. :(

Anyways, jaa mata ashita!
Or maybe later tonight.

PS: For those who don't know I am half-Korean, and yes South Korean. My name supposedly translates into "Eastern Treasure", and therefore it is the story of an eastern treasure... aka, ME.
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