Feb 16, 2005 00:10
A Beginning? Is there one?
It's just so odd that something can exist. If everything evolved from the big bang, where the hell did the super atom come from to then suddenly create everything? If there is a beginning for everything, where was the beginning for the super atom and how was it formed? Where is the equivalent trade in mass from that? Was the mass of the single super atom made of a near infinite mass weight? How can this life even be possible? I can understand the ideas of after the big bang, but what is to explain the before? If that is so, if there is no way to prove or explain a beginning, would that mean there really is not a beginning to everything? Everything just cycles on like an infinite loop. Perhaps the soul is real, but is the only thing that remains as a part of the universe, and begins a new self after it's previous self's death. The soul recreates itself by existing within another being, perhaps as part of another dimension.
If we were to be created by a god, supposedly the almighty God most everyone has their own version of here, where did this God come from? How is this God in existence? If there was no existence and this God created it, then how did this God exits to create it? If it was a realm of black chaos to have Him create light, would not this God is made from chaos? To argue, perhaps, a balancing force of purity against chaos still does not answer why or how a realm of chaos and a supernatural being of purity came to exist. Are we not allowed to know the truth? Are we to be forever blinded by means of religion and scientific forwardness? Are we always to look forward and review the past, but to never find a beginning? Life and our ideas for life may always be presented and argued, but what can we possibly argue for a beginning? How can we possibly have an explanation for a beginning? Is there even a beginning? Will there be an end?
I can find no way to explain this emptiness that clouds my thoughts. This, 'non-existence' for everything. In time a mere likeness may be explainable, but otherwise, there is just this emptiness within me. Perhaps there is another who may know or have a similar thought within them.
During Existence.
Confusing days, these days of humans are. We cannot rightfully explain life, yet death comes so easily. Whether it be by disease or by the mind and hands of another. We take life to easily and create life so wrong. What is to say we will live to see the year 3000AD? The earth is millions of years old and yet we base our time set off of a being according to a religion. The race of humans existed many hundreds and thousands of years BC, yet we base our existence on one being. Why not allow us to have seen the year 3500 already? Should we not base the time or our so called beginning when we first had evidence of the create known as the homo-sapiens? Would that not be when our "race" began? We have not existed for only 2000 years, so why put a cap there? It did not take us 2000 years to come to today's technology. It also involved every year before. All relations with other races, other life forms, included.
I really would like to believe in alternate dimensions. That every time a person dies, their soul moves to the next one and starts over, though with a small imprint left behind upon it leading to why we have these odd ways of old teachings and imagination. The souls remember something from the previous dimensions and bring them out as ideas or imaginative thoughts here. It would explain some of history's oddities that never continued...like alchemy. If anything, I think all that is left of alchemy is research.
In this world, we rely on mechanical inventions. The use of moving mechanical parts to create weapons and enable the manipulation of an element's capability to provide an explosive punch of raw power to create deadly bombs and atomic weapons. We use flying aircraft to transport and deliver these weapons of mass destruction to wage war upon each other.
If any alien life had come to see us over these years, they would notice our rage and constant declaration of power. Our lust for power by means of unconscious ways, using everything we can to gain an upper hand and rule the world. If we were to gain use of powerful alien weaponry, we would destroy ourselves so easily and we would no longer trust each other to be real. The reason to consider an alien race more advanced then us would be only if they found no need for weapons of destruction. Otherwise, their technology makes no difference, since they too kill and control for power over the galaxy. The wise are those who can live peacefully with others.