Aug 07, 2007 16:47
School is done! Yesssss.... Now I am in the middle of exams. Actually these are the least stressful exams I have ever written because I just don't care. This past weekend was amazing, but so tiring. I really shouldn't have gone out so close to exams, but it was totally worth it.
On Saturday I had my first shift in ages and it was soooo boring. We have no stock, and therefore nobody buys anything. Bah. After work I met Marianne, Hayley, and Sophie and we headed downtown. I ran into the Liquor store before we left the mall and the guy working there started talking to me and actually hit on me; oh my. He was pretty cute and goes to sfu too, and said he hoped he sees me up on campus. I hope so too Mr. Liquor store hottie.
We got so lost getting downtown because we made a wrong turn, but we got there eventually. Fireworks finales are always freaking crazy and this time was no different. We couldn't make it down to sit with Dave and everyone else so we just sat under the trees. There was a drunk hobo and his cart blocking part of my view, but his cheering at the wrong moments made up for that. At one point he stood up and said this was the part where we supposed to dance. I just laughed. Oh, it was probably because Marianne and I were totally drunk. I didnt get a mixer so I was taking shots of vodka and sips of a juice box. I felt really cool.
After the fireworks, which were amazing, we met up with Dave and Houston and his boy and then some of us headed to Stavros's to drop our stuff off. Us girls went clubbing at the Cellar. At first we had to wait in line but after I took my sweater off, the bouncer let us four in for only 20 bucks ( 12 each usually). Yay for exploiting my body!! I had so much fun clubbing this time. The music was fantastic. I grinded with an attractive Mexican boy, and got the button of my pocket flap caught on the fishnet stockings of a guy dressed up in drag for his bachelor party. His buddy had to rip his stockings to get me free. I couldn't stop laughing... but they were really fun guys to dance with.
Well, we got back to Stavros's at 2:30 and I have to say I didn't have the best sleep of my life. The next morning I was hung over and so tired. Pride, as a result, wasn't as fun as it could have been. Breakfast was excellent though ( McDonald's). The parade was way too long this year but I enjoyed seeing all the colours and sparkly things, and of course Dave on his float. I was so happy that I caught the beads he threw to me. Actually the girl in front of me caught them too, but when I told her they were from my friend she let me have them; so nice of her. After the parade we had the long and tiring walk back to Howe. Wearing my work shoes and carrying a back pack is not fun if you have to walk around Vancouver all weekend. When I got home I went to bed at 5pm and then woke up at 10:30; and yes I had trouble falling asleep later on that night.
My physics exam was today. I got one question entirely wrong and it was so easy I am kicking myself for it. But other that that I think I passed... maybe. Still to come, Chem on Friday, Genetics on Monday, and Math on Wednesday; then sweet freedom!
On a final note I got an email today from Reslife saying less than a month until I move in, squeeeeeel!!!!!!!