We're going to go see it tomorrow night. As cute as I think Ashton Bitchlips is, I'm afraid. I want to see it because the concept looks night, but it's a guy who's biggest claim to fame is playing the deep character of Micheal Kelso and creating Punk'd.
I only saw the first half of it (the projector went psycho)... and he really didn't seem like a bad actor. Not great by any means, but better than I had expected. But I heard the movie gets worse than what I saw. ;)
Well, it does have goth rooster boy in it, so that should make it worth SOMETHING. hahaha
Best case scenario, my boyfriend and I both really blown away by it. Worst case scenario, we contemplate buying it on DVD and making a drinking game out of. :D
We're going to go see it tomorrow night. As cute as I think Ashton Bitchlips is, I'm afraid. I want to see it because the concept looks night, but it's a guy who's biggest claim to fame is playing the deep character of Micheal Kelso and creating Punk'd.
I'm skeered.
Best case scenario, my boyfriend and I both really blown away by it. Worst case scenario, we contemplate buying it on DVD and making a drinking game out of. :D
He danced with Conan last night. It was something -riffic.
I can't be the only one out there.
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