Sep 13, 2009 22:44
Okay, I really enjoy staying in touch with the outer regions of my wider friendship network through facebook. BUT (and there is a big BUT) I DO NOT enjoy having the political and social value views of others shoved down my facebook throat.
I have no problem with a devision in opinion - I welcome it. I DO object to having pictures of late-term aborted babies being used as icons of an anti-abortion poll on facebook. The poll has since been deactivated, but the pictures still appear on people's news page if their friends took the poll.
If you want to discuss the issues at hand, I am open and willing to debate and listen. I DO NOT react well to tactics like this. All is does is polarize.
Facebook as been a great to get back in touch with friends and acquaintances from life-times past (high school, college, former work mates). However I think a lot of people forget that those they knew 20 years ago may have a very different world view from them. I keep most of my political and social views away from the prying eyes of the internet. If you ask, I will tell you. Just don't quote me out of context or assume you know me based on our interactions from 20 years ago.
Okay, going to bed now.