Title: Mr. Elric Side Stories
Part: 02/02
Rating: G
Archived @
Master ListSummary: A collection of side stories accompanying 'Mr Elric'
Side Story #02: From a Camera's View
Timothy Drake had no idea that he would change newspaper headlines by clicking the shutter button that one time. He was a photographer low on funds and, at the time, Witch Weekly was featuring a snapshot contest with 250 galleon as the prize- you know how it is.
He wandered into Hogsmeade that weekend hoping to find something worth taking a picture of. Maybe a snowball fight or a happy couple wandering out of Zonkos, anything that radiated emotion.
After three hours of wandering aimlessly through the snow, though, Tim was just about ready to give up and scout elsewhere. Of all the photographs he'd taken, the sole note-worthy one was of three girls skating, arms linked- and they'd caught him taking it, thus ruining the beauty of the picture.
What happened to the natural talent he had in bucketfuls back in his youth? Back then, he could sneak in, snap, and get out before anyone noticed. Perhaps his age was finally catching up with him. Sighing, he turned down another path. Maybe he'd have better luck at Diagon Alley finding some hag haggling with a goblin- that was always fun to watch.
It was then that he realized he was right behind a person with very beautiful golden hair. It was a man- no woman would go around wearing such a large brown chaqueton that did nothing to accentuate their assets. He gazed into the windows of Honeydukes and started. Then he looked- THIS is what Tim was waiting for! Pure, raw emotion, the same kind radiating from this person!
Without wasting another moment, Tim shot him. When the mystery victim turned, seconds later, Tim was safely out of view.
"Oh yes," he thought happily, "I still got it. "
He developed the photograph and submitted it two days later, just in time for the deadline. Time was very nervous; the man in the picture didn't do a whole lot- sigh, blink, look up, look down, and repeat. And he NEEDED that money.
Four days later, he received a post from the Witch Weekly office. In the letter, it included congratulations for him winning the contest ("YES!!") followed quickly by an inquiry on who the man was. He, of course, had not a clue, but mailed back that he'd seen the man at Hogsmeade during a Hogwarts visit, hoping it would help.
In the December issue, his photograph was blown up and placed right on the cover. Apparently, one of the newspaper staff had a child who went to Hogwarts who identified the mystery man as the new librarian, Mr. Edward Elric.
Well, getting such an attractive librarian without informing the general public was now a felony, it seemed. There was a page inside dedicated to this Mr. Elric's basic stats- he had none on file- and even more pages wondering just WHY did no one outside Hogwarts know? It certainly wasn't a factor that their children had mentioned his name at least once in a letter stashed someplace to read in a frenzy right before Christmas to make sure they're 'caught up'.
Timothy got his prize, as we all knew he would. But he couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor bastard whose life he just royally screwed up.
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