I spy with my little [blurry] eye something beginning with 'C'

Oct 01, 2005 23:31

I've been a bit out of it for the past 24 hours with a migraine.  It's not easy to look at a computer screen with my right eye half shut because of the pain throbbing behind it or falling half asleep when painkillers kick in.

However, I have to drop in to give my [un]dying thanks my anonymous benefactor who bought me extra user pics yesterday. Or was it the day before - things are blurry and time zone differences don't help ;).
I'm not in much of state to give anything much in return except

and a game [for everyone] of 'spot the big bush and not-terribly-big ?'.  And you probably all think I'm referring to Gale, don't you?  *evil grimace of pain*

Don't you just love how the spout pours out Gale's treasure trail?

And I'm thankful for CowLip giving us many B/J showers and shaves but leaving out the shits. I'm not counting the metaphorical, 'k.

PS I thought I'd mess up Gale's pubes a little more. Obviously getting my hands on his body makes the pain go away.

randy, csi, qaf fundom

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