A few QaF men and their RL counterparts will assist in educating again.
If you need to do a refresher on the Great Recline of the Male Empire, please go the the room with this sign
and knock on it.
My name is Ms Cross Eyed. For anyone wondering, I'm Miss Teary's sister. I will be trying to follow her notes which she left me, where I can. I realize she has a different teaching style to mine, so please bore, uh, bare with me.
Today we put men on the couch, so we can psycho--I mean--analyze their minds, uh, bodies. *shuffles through Teary's notes*
But first, here are a few late additions which should have been included in last week’s lesson but will get start us off here.
*mutters to self* [I think I'd become a born-again Christian for this...]
And here we have a good Christian boy.
I hope that helped warm--I mean wake--you up. *refers back to notes*
Let’s recline slowly from an upright position to full horizontal, shall we? [Geez, does Teary really say this stuff written here?]
Here's Randy [my, doesn't he look it]. Note the placement of his hands. It is so very je ne c’est qoi, n’est pas? Pardonez moi-- we’re not doing French here, are we? Wait, the two girls up the back, please separate from one another since it’s distracting me-um, the rest of the class.
Next we have Bobby Gant in a more candid pose or casual recline.
David Beckham, who you’ve seen in recline last lesson I believe, this time shows us his shiny crotch. He's also known for his unusual array hairstyles - many similar to Randy - including a mohawk. So who pulls it off better, Randy or Becks?
Here’s Orlando Bloom in rather conservative, cool recline. Things will get warmer when we eventually get to bed the next lesson.
Josh Hartnett draws up a knee while his mesh shirt looks so very _____? What’s the word I’m looking for?
A fugly green vinyl couch is given an extreme make-over by Nicholas Gonzalez of the OC.
*glances at Teary’s notes* Um, here’s good ol’ George and his stiff appeal again. Do you remember the T-shirt, crossed legs example the other week? He’s kinda cute in an ugly kind of way, isn’t he? I’m referring to the pug pup. I guess George is kind of cute too in a handsome kind of way.
Justin’s turn on the sofa in a T. There was a French[ing] lesson before that. How could he possibly look so bored? *refers to notes* Oh, the Dr Dave/Mikey vacation slides, apparently.
Here’s Matt Battaglia in a rather debonair recline.
Mr Brian Kinney, seems to like to read magazines in a reclined position, as we’ll see again next time.
Who cares if Gale can even read, as long as he can pose like this (even if it looks like he’s lying on great gran’s bedcover). His jeans are just begging for more unfastening. Does anyone remember the George Michael song Freedom? Nevermind. [By god. Teary's right on this one, this man's hot!]
No reason why this rather unremarkable-looking Gucci ad is included, except for the other male model in the background holding
something. Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? [I see my own jokes go down like a lead balloon.]
Ian Somerhalder in a strikingly similar pose. He may be a prick in RL but he makes a rather pretty couch throw. [So how does Teary know he's a prick? Thinking about pricks, I wouldn't mind seeing his.]
This is not generally how we see boys playing with their model [airplane]. *reads from Teary's notes* I guess it must be cold if he’s keeping his woolly socks on; I wonder if he’s wearing 2 or 3? [What on earth is Teary talking about when she says 3 socks - has he got a third foot that I don't know about?]
Here’s George Clooney looking a little more comfortable with his arms crossed behind his head to reveal a little “come-on”. [If not a hard-on, unfortunately.]
Similarly in recline is Jude Law but with tummy on display.
Jesse Metcalfe of Desperate Housewives reveals a little more again. Probably the closest example here of a full-on, sexually provocative recline on a sofa.
Here’s Peter Paige in a more formal recline.
And some sleepy boys on the sofa ...
James Franco of the Spiderman movies, looking rather angelic with hands resting on his chest.
But no-one really looks more angelic than Justin. [I guess he does look rather sweet]
And Brian again; definitely more devlish with the hotness of that bare chest. [Hot damn are the only appropriate words for this, but I'm too much of a professional to say that in class!]
I wasn’t sure where to put a window-seat, but Alex Verga is one hell of a hot Brazilian model who shows of one hell of a recline on one - in leopard print. [I think I'm supposed to add "rowr" here, according to Teary's notes but I'm not gonna.]
Unfortunately, we’ve run out of time. Hopefully this particular subject will be put to bed next week. Please leave any get well cards for Miss Teary with me and I’ll make sure she gets them. She promises to double the size/length next time when she gets better. [And when you do, Teary, you owe me big time.]