So long and goodnight, so long and goodnight...

Jan 18, 2007 06:12

Hey hey. I'm waiting for Ruthie to call so I figured I'd update. Not too much has been going on. I actually don't even know what to update about, but I figured I should before another month goes by.

Smallville and Grey's are on tonight. Woo. For some reason I thought lastnight was thursday night and I flipped out about taping and it and stuff. Finally Emma realized and told me and I felt sufficiently stupid. I'm psyched for tonight's episodes. Smallville is going to have the justice league on it and grey's looks like it's going to be great. Woo for good television.

So I'm going to the mountain Saturday for a Winter BBQ. I may have already mentioned this in my last entry but I have nothing better to say so everyone gets to read about it again! Anyway, I'm excited. I haven't been to the mountain since before break. I miss it plenty. PLUS Emma, Ruthie AND Kevin are all gonna go too. That makes the trip all the better.

All right... I really have absolutely nothing good to talk about, so I'll stop toturing you all.

Later :)

grey's anatomy, smallville, mountain, randoms, tv

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