Oh, darling, no...please don't give up! You said you'd never do this again. I beg of you, please don't. I'll make a pact with you, anything, just don't go back to how it was. I'm sorry I'm such a fucked up person that I haven't seen how much you need comforting. I'm too selfish to think about you're needing to turn to me instead of me turning to you. I promise I'll be there more and listen and care as much as you need or want. I can't lose another. Please don't do this...
You're not losing me, you're gaining a more beautiful friend. (Smiles) I forgot how satifying it was to have not ha, a full meal. To still feel hungry... sweetie, you said so yourself, it's going to happen. I asked you to be careful but you did so anyway, why should I not do the same? I just want to be beautiful, like everyone else. To me i'm the ugliest thing right now...I almost took the scissors to my ponytail today, im so desperate...i want change... I want change from this misery. I don't know anymore. just.. I need sleep. Sorry...
You are so beautiful right now, sweetheart. I just wish I were there to show you how beautiful you really are. I am a self proclaimed idiot and what I did was wrong. There is no reason to join that. If you give up, then more reason for me to cut deeper and end it all. I've been in tears all day because of this and sick to my stomach...I swear, I'll stop cutting and purging myself if you promise to stop before it gets worse. This is not what Bianca wants...this is not what Wolf wants...this is not what I want. If any of that matters at all, you'll stop. Please...
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