the wind in the wires made a tattletale sound

Apr 05, 2012 01:00

Okay, take two: Being a decent LJ friend.

I have no excuse, except that I keep falling behind in my LJ reading and feeling guilty, so I avoid LJ and the guilty feelings, so I feel more guilty, so I avoid LJ, and...

Also, my soul got swallowed by Reddit and its instant gratification/cat .gifs/rage comics. It happens sometimes.

So I went on a community-purge, deleting all the communities that I don't really participate in but haven't bothered to go in and delete from my list. Also the people who have long ago deleted their journals. Now it is better! I only have the stuff I read and the stuff that is still active (seriously, when was the last time I watched an episode of Lost? Season 3? Yeah, I don't need those comms on here anymore...)

Also there were like a dozen people who friended me that I never friended back. Hi, guys! Sorry I suck at remembering things like "hey, friend the nice people back!"

Hair has red bangs now--we're talking technicolor Little Mermaid red. Just in time for the Reds' opening day tomorrow, which I will be listening to on the radio because a) I have to work and b) I don't have a zillion dollars for opening day tickets.

So. Uh, hi? We're all fine, here, are you?

life, hair, baseball

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