Mar 09, 2012 22:25
So...I haven't posted in 2012. Yeah.
I'm alive! I'm working at my hometown library branch, or "exactly where I was four years ago before I went to grad school, but I'm making like $4 extra bucks an hour, so that's good."
I have a Hunger Games program tomorrow that I'm super-jazzed about. I am as always concerned that:
1. Nobody will come, and it will suck.
2. Everybody will come, and it will suck.
3. It will suck.
But I'm giving away a set of the books, which are so popular that I've never actually seen a copy on the shelf, so that's got to bring in some people, right? Also we're "roasting" marshmallow bunnies over fires built out of pretzel sticks, among other activities.
Guys, my self-esteem revolves around the approval of a group of teenagers. What is my life?
I would have an existential crisis, but Squeeful and I are watching a flapper murder mystery, so I don't have time. ;)
How are you all? What is life like? What have I missed while I was hiding from the Internet? Tell me news!
hunger games,