So on July 3rd, Dad and I went down to northern Kentucky to take pictures of the fireworks after the Reds game. Well, sort of--I also watched the game, and hung out with
rascante, and then when I walked across the bridge we somehow contrived to fail epically and lose the game.
But who cares about that? I've got pictures. Frankly, I think this roll (yes, I use actual film) may be the best I've ever taken. Out of a roll of 36, about 8 or 10 of them turned out well enough to crop and share. That's unheard of. My dad was jealous, and my dad is a pretty damn awesome photographer. ;)
So underneath the cut are a bunch of fireworks shots. I'm not going to watermark them or anything, but if you think they're awesome and want to save them, I'd like it if my name stayed attached to the file somehow--my lj name is cool, or Sarah K.
I cropped this one horizontally, because...well, it looked cool that way. The top burst was really low, so it fit in the 8x10 frame.
Let's be honest--the river did all the work on this one. ;)
The weird gold-and-blue firework might be my favorite kind. When you're watching them, the burst is gold and then turns to blue. When you're photographing them, they turn out like this.
I really love the way these fireworks kind of drift down like weeping willows. On a night with a stiff breeze (which you want, in order to keep the smoke moving out of the frame), these turn out distorted on film.
The same shot as above, but with the shadows turned up. I thought it looked funky.
And finally, another horizontal crop--I'm kind of fond of this look, but so many of the big fireworks would explode out of a shot framed this way.
...And I just realized that the ones I edited were done with the laptop unplugged, so the screen was dimmer than it should have been. If any of them need the light-balance tweaked (always a toss-up when you're doing a long exposure), I'll redo them tomorrow.