A play in one act.

Aug 04, 2009 14:44


SARAH: Hello, library! I have returned from vacation!

BOSS: Hello, Sarah! Welcome back! Did you have fun?

SARAH: Oh yes, lots of fun, but I'm glad to be back now.

BOSS: ...Here, have a lay-off.


Sooooo, yeah. No more part-time library job for Sarah. (I will now be financing DragonCon with student loans--not for the first time, either.) On the bright side, I no longer have to get up early in the morning. And I have a purple umbrella and a vase of yellow daisies and jeans that make my butt look fantastic, so I guess things are okay after all.

Mom and I rearranged the apartment when we came back up yesterday, so the living room looks oddly huge. This may be because we got rid of the giant TV of doom, which only ever sort-of worked anyway. I almost bought a new one, but then I discovered that even Wal-Mart has gone to flat-screens--almost exclusively. So instead of paying $178 for a flat-screen, I'm going to wait until next time I go home and grab the one that was originally mine and then became Lisa's and now will be mine once again. Less cool, but also less expensive. Now maybe I can spend that $178 on that used Xbox I keep telling myself not to buy...

grad school, library

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