it was ten degrees or colder down by boulder dam that day

Jan 17, 2009 20:06

So, am back at Kent. Classes start on Tuesday, so I have three...okay, two more days, really, to get all the books I need and make sure the bursar's office got my check and all that stuff.

The drive up here was hell--I was carsick for the whole first two hours, but on the bright side I wound up with BOOKS from the used-book warehouse we passed in Cincinnati. The next few X-Wing books, and the last three "real" Dune books...unfortunately, I left my copy of Dune Messiah unread on top of my desk at home, so having the three that follow it isn't going to help me much. Plus there was an omnibus of the entire second story-arc of the Young Jedi Knights, from Shards of Alderaaan to...whatever the last bit is. I never did read those, so now I can! Oh, Zekk. *first Star Wars crush ftw*

In other cool news, we hit a positive temperature today! I'm not sure my bedroom did, though--not that I cared, because now I have flannel sheets.

Jon and I just picked up Chinese from a place with the best egg rolls ever. Last night, I painted my nails and cleaned the bathroom--though in retrospect I probably should have done those in a different order. >< Now my nails are dark purple again, and they match the purple-and-grey-striped fingerless gloves that I got for Christmas! Hobocore, bitches! Buggrit! Millennium hand'n'shrimp!

Possibly I also had a large amount of caffeine.

And finally, there is a fairy stuck in our heating ducts.

food, grad school, star wars

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