no one will be watching us

Jan 10, 2009 17:54

My sister is asleep on the beanbag chair, and I kind of want to toss small objects into her open mouth.

Hello, my name is Sarah, and I am completely goddamn stir-crazy. I'm going to go watch Dark Knight and crochet something.

Okay, I just went to my iTunes to put on some Beatles--I kind of wanted to hear "Why Don't We Do It In The Road," because of things that are definitely not related to kinky fanfiction ideas. But I'm really anal-retentive about my play-counts, so I had to let the previous song play through and let the count register. It finished, the playlist shuffled itself...and started playing "Why Don't We Do it In The Road." There are almost 7000 songs on this playlist. I am now actually kind of terrified of my iTunes. What the hell are the odds of that? Picking one song, and having it played immediately? 1/7000...something like .014%?

In case it was some sort of a sign, here. Have a tiny kinky Beatles song. :)

Right. I have an appointment with Christian Bale and a purple ripple afghan. Or what might one day become a purple ripple afghan. We'll see.

music, crochet, ennui

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