Higher and Higher.

Sep 14, 2013 13:11

The doctor yesterday gave me a sick note spanning all of last week and all of the week to come. No more worrying about my job for me! Sure, I'm not going to have any income until my gallbladder problems are sorted, and yes I still have the whole 'Asshole boss' problem to work through, but at least I don't have to worry about it for another week.

What I am worried about (because that's what I do, I worry) is the fact that my creative writing course starts on the 16th and I've shown no real signs of improvement--I don't wanna miss my first class! That course cost me money! And more then that, I was really looking forwards to this course. I signed up for it partly because of the death benefit where as long as I'm in some sort of school I get 200 dollars a month and partly because I want to get more into writing again--my depression has zapped a lot of my creativity from me, and I haven't been able to really write something substantial for a long while. I miss it.

I'm going to talk to my dad and see what he says, which will probably be 'If you can't go to work then you can't go to school'. And really, what he says goes. And I get where he's coming from, but...I mean, a creative writing class is probably going to be mostly sitting and talking and writing, right? So I wouldn't be moving around as much as I would be at work? I Just don't want to miss it. :(

Hopefully I'll either be able to find a drug combination that makes the pain manageable or I can just sit down with my dad and hash it out--I know I can't drive, but a friend of mine Shay is going to be going too and I figure she and I could do a carpool thing.


Anyway. I'm going to try again to get in with my family doctor Monday morning, and I'm going to try to get my creative juices flowing this weekend--Maybe look up some prompts and such. Maybe I'll post them here! :D

parents, about me, friends, livejournal, writer's block, writing, pain, sometimes the world does suck, sick

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