Sep 12, 2013 11:24
So much for that high note I've been trying to work towards.
I had a gallstone attack on Friday/Saturday that's leeched over into the rest of this week. I haven't eaten properly in six days--just a few nectarines and soup broth, and even that was in the last two days. I'm dizzy and dehydrated.
It started on Friday. I had some fries from a local chip truck and only got through half of them before I started to feel sick, so I stopped. About three hours later there was a sharp, intense burning under my rib cage and radiating around to my back. I thought it was heartburn from the fries (cause I've had that before), but it didn't go away and I got a little worried.
A couple of my friends had arranged to come over and I was so not fun that night. Eventually I drove myself up to the drugstore and got my friend to buy me some Zantac and Rolaids--antacid stuff. It didn't help at all.
The next day was worse. I couldn't sleep, I started throwing up and no matter what I took for the pain it didn't go away. Finally it got so bad that I was curled up on the couch crying, and my dad drove me to Urgent care.
I was basically brought right in, which was nice. It could have been hours but chest pain, even lower chest pain, is pretty serious. The doctor was super nice and ordered me ultrasounds for Monday and gave me Tylenol threes for the pain.
I don't know if i'm just a giant baby when it comes to pain or what, but the Tylenol did nothing and I spent most of Sunday in pain once again. Monday I had to get my brother to drive me to the hospital for my ultrasound, because I was shaking from not eating for three days. At first I was okay, but after the ultrasound and waiting in the hospital for six hours to get the results...well. Ow.
I had to call in to work for that shift and got a doctor's note, and then called in for the shift on Wednesday--I was going to try to get in with my family doctor but somehow between the lines opening at 8:30 and me calling at 8:31, both his emergency appointments had been given away. And he doesn't work on Thursdays and Fridays because of course he doesn't.
Today I'm in a lot less pain, but my dad's going to take me to the bigger hospital in Oshawa to get looked at. I'm worried that it's more then gallstones at this point--maybe there was some damage done during the initial attack that's leeched over? A friend suggested that depression could make existing pain worse, so that could be it too, but either way it needs to be fixed. I've been in pain for almost a week now and I can barely keep anything down.
If I had to look at the silver linings...I'm probably losing some weight? Since I can't eat and all. I need to get doctor's notes for all the work I've missed and...Argh. I'm so stressed out on top of being sick. What I could really go for right now is a nice big steak and a solid eight hours of sleep.
this is why i don't do drugs,