first things first. i know i'm a joss whedon nerd. or i guess a nerd in general. but everyone needs to go watch this:
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i don't care. its kind of awesome. you can buy it from itunes for like $4 or watch the whole thing on youtube for free. kind of love it. doogie is so making a comeback
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So heartbreaking... squee.
whedon is my master and commander.
Wow, that was rambly. I guess what I'm saying is that he should put anything Fox hates on the internet. It's still better than the other crap on TV.
I agree. I'm excited to see what happens in the next, say, five years. I'll bet more and more artists just skip the middle man and put their own content online. It'll be a beautiful thing.
Until the internet companies start charging for bandwidth. Whee.
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