Yes, this is exactly what I needed to hear actually. The things you are telling me are usually what I find myself telling others in times of need! But, you know how hard it can be to just tell yourself your own advice sometimes. I think it's because we are our own worst enemies and we are just stuck with our thoughts for 24 hours, 7 days a week! There is no escaping our minds and our racing thoughts. Being in a positive mindset for that long can be tough work! I have been working on it though, usually I don't get this upset over situations, but I just finally got broken down I guess. I haven't slept in 2 days practically and I finally got to come home today right after school and running errands. I passed out on the bed for about an hour and a half with the dog sleeping right next to me. It was pretty nice.
I just keep getting dragged into buisness that I really want no part in doing! Some of my friends are into illegal stuff as well. I had to help a friend out the other day because he doesn't even have his own address and he is trying to apply for U.S. citizenship, so I told him he could use mine. It was pretty crazy, but it's good to do favors for people in high places. You never know when you're going to need to turn to them. Anyway, I don't know what I'm really talking about anymore, but I guess I'll end this now. I really took all of your words to heart, and I'm very grateful that you took the time to say these things to me. It really helped me get through the day.
I just keep getting dragged into buisness that I really want no part in doing! Some of my friends are into illegal stuff as well. I had to help a friend out the other day because he doesn't even have his own address and he is trying to apply for U.S. citizenship, so I told him he could use mine. It was pretty crazy, but it's good to do favors for people in high places. You never know when you're going to need to turn to them. Anyway, I don't know what I'm really talking about anymore, but I guess I'll end this now. I really took all of your words to heart, and I'm very grateful that you took the time to say these things to me. It really helped me get through the day.
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