i could be watching a stripper right now...instead i'm rambling random

Aug 25, 2011 12:31

it seems another opportunity for perception altering experiences has arrived...i bought a new car.
and its not a car i would ever have purchased in my past lives.
historically i've had large cars, with either grunt or space. it's always been about me appearing to take up as much room as possible. i've avoided warrants and registration for years on end. i've ignored my cars and driven them into the ground to the point that i'd forgotten what a well looked after car drives like. my goal had always been a v8, something like a kingswood or american muscle car. so what did i get instead?

a fucking rx8.
and its red.
with mags and body-kit.
she's fucking hot!

and now i have to look after her and maintain her, keeping her clean and tidy and in good health. this sort means i need to stop ignoring shit and take responsibility for some stuff. i'd always sworn not to grow up or to be responsible. i don't see it negatively but it is a Little pain in the arse.

add to this that i've been told i have an unhealthy obsession with strippers...i've changed a bunch already and will continue to do so. i never used to like watching strippers, but i've since found out that the reason for this is that i don't like strip clubs. i'd rather have some bird come and serve me drinks and give me sneak peaks of her cooch rather than shoving it in my face for my single dollar.
she doesn't have to dance, it'd be nice but not required.

my last stripper episode led to a realisation which i hope i'll write about again and again. (revisiting memories is fun isn't it?)
this realisation shook the foundations of my preferences. i like chicks with big tits and a big butt i can grab...often...however this stripper of which i spake was a cute chinese asian with tiny titties (think Kate Beckingsale-ish) and a tiny arse! it opened a whole new world of appreciation to me and helped me realise that my taste in girls had become a habit and thus needed refreshing.
don't get me wrong, i still dig my big girls...i'm just widening my potential sampling group. this should increase my stats right?
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