Every once in a while, a throw-away comment will send my dad into the throes of social justice sermonising. I wish I could remember what inspired tonight's glorious rant.
Daddy, Shannon and I were on the phone together, chatting, as we often do, about everything and nothing. Somehow, we moved from talking about air shows to celebrity to sexual orientation to breasts. And that's when Daddy dove into gender identity.
"Just remember," he began, "your breasts aren't what defines you as female. There are so many other things..."
And he was off! Just like that, he launched into the myriads of problems people have when their identity doesn't jibe with their biology. Not just trans folk, either. What made it great was that he'd started out telling Shannon and me not to let our (female) bodies be what made us women, but ended up defending the rights of other women who might not naturally have breasts or vaginae.
Seriously, seriously love my dad. Wish all the men in my family were like him. Hell, I wish some of the women in my family were like him.