Yes ma'am, a really Big Bang...

Aug 24, 2010 10:09

So helloapollo  asked for some Big Bang recs.  In a mood to avoid work this morning, I comply.

Rather than summaries -- available through the link --  you get my baseline opinion.  Recs are not only for the actual story, but for the storytelling -- both content and delivery.  These are my personal Big Bang highlights so far and include a distinct lack of H/C and heavy angst and are all J2's as I'm waiting for recs coming the other way before diving into Sam and Dean.

In Becoming Who We Are by elizah_jane

Pairing: Jensen/JDM, Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word count: ~82,700

One of the things I loved most about this is that even in moments of emotional depth, the guys are still guys!  I love that Jensen isn't always a reliable narrator and that elizah_jane  shows the reader how he got messed up instead of expecting us to take her word for it.  Wonderful use of both Chad and Misha.  (this was the fic that was behind last night's "why oh why" post)

Pathfinder by arabia764

Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC17
Word count: approx. 39,000

Probably the most serious fic I've read so far.  Set in WWII, this isn't Captain Jack dancing with the real Jack Harkness with no consequences, this is an honest (albeit fictionally romantic) look at how things could have been between two men, two pilots, during the war.

Losing the Handle by pennyplainknits

Paring Jared/Jensen, Jensen/Danneel(past) Jared/Sandy(past) Mike/Misha
Rating NC-17
Word count 33 468

A J2 retelling of Men With Brooms.  So much fun if you love the movie (Chad as Lennox!) but the comments seem to indicate that it works pretty well even if you haven't.

Reanimated by tigbit

Pairing: Jensen/Jared
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 80,000

This is different.  Original.  Freaking brilliant in concept and nearly as brilliant in execution!

Real Life: Good for You by octoberxsong

Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 28,994

I have a massive fondness for college au's; particularly college au's where it reads like it could be our Jared and Jensen, you know?  (okay, maybe my Jared and Jensen, as we all know, your mileage may vary)

Thunderbird Wine by senorwences

Pairing: Jared/Jensen, Tom/Mike, Chris and others
Rating: NC17
Word count: > 48K

It's rock and roll, people!  Jared in tights and hair extensions -- need I say more?

Dead Like You  by strangeallure

Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 33,000

A J2 re-imaging of Dead Like Me.  Loved Dead Like Me, loved this.  Comments from others suggest the former is not necessary for the later.

recs, j2 au

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