Welcome to Spokane! - closed - For Martini, Ophelia, Rogue and Ric

Apr 04, 2011 01:46

Getting permission for the four of them to go to Spokane had been pretty easy considering that Ric could just ask Emma outright and getting there had been a quicker event thanks to a poker game in his favour and the debt being called in as a lift into town for them all. Wandering down West Main Avenue away from the Cyrus O'Leary's Restaurant (they' ( Read more... )

mark 'martini' martinez, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, marie 'rogue' darkholme, [plot] can't touch this, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring

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Comments 21

marauding_miss April 4 2011, 10:52:11 UTC
Sighing slightly, Rogue turned to look around, her hair whipping around in the wind as she pushed it back off her face. "Ah'd think we should be headin' that way," pointing in a direction that Ric hadn't, "'cause o' the sign there, y'know sayin' 'Riverfront Park' an' the arrow pointin' that way?"

It really was just as well that Rictor wasn't their navigator, or they'd spend the whole day lost in Spokane and wind up with nothing that they wanted or needed to do. "Ah'd say the park is a decent idea," since it seemed to have something for all of them, and undoubtedly a few trees that Ophelia could climb that weren't fenced off in the street.

They'd done a lot of the shopping, and anything else could wait until later. The worst came to the worst, Mark could bend time just a little, surely.

"C'mon, before we start holdin' folks up."


time_schizo April 5 2011, 09:19:29 UTC
"Let's go! I wanna go mini-golfing first!" Martini said with all the eagerness of an overgrown seven year old, forcefully hauling Ric down the street by the arm. Rogue and Ophelia would be hard pressed to keep up. He was practically bouncing up and down. Yes, out of the entire list of unique attractions Ric had mentioned, the only one that had stuck in Mark's brain was miniature golfing. Such was the way his strange mind worked.

Mark was grinning happily. Today had been a good day. Just getting out of the stifling environment of the camp had done wonders for everyone's moods. "After this, I want ice cream." He announced to no one in particular, despite the fact they had just had lunch not fifteen minutes ago.

He nudged Ric, winking suggestively. "When we go on that skyride thing, we'll convince the girls to get their own car. I've already seen it." Things looked like they were only going to better from here on out today.


mad_asahatter April 5 2011, 14:43:26 UTC
With Mark grabbing Ric, Phe seems to follow trend, taking Rogue's gloved hand in her own lace covered and hand running after them. For the whole world to see, they're four ridiculously immature young people running through the street. Ophelia wants the Carousel, she wants the gondola and the tour train. She just wants the freedom of the park.

"Chop chop!" Rogue easily keeps up with Phe, and Phe is shockingly light on her heavy booted feet, keeping pace behind Ric and Mark.

Everything around her just makes her feel carefree and happy. Even the small trickles of the world weary around them, the unhappy and frustrated, it's all filtered out around the excitement and joy. "Ice cream and slushies!" Ophelia wasn't about the turn down either.


movetheearth April 5 2011, 20:07:07 UTC
It would probably been the right time for Ric to admit defeat and hand over the tourist map to Rogue but he's stubborn and determined to at least keep up the charade that he's leading their little troop through Spokane. Though in reality Ric is just doing as he is told, used to being hauled along by his other half so it's pretty easy for him to catch his footing and keep up with Martini. Managing to shift Mark's grip from his arm to his hand Ric just grins at the suggestion, leaning over to bite at Mark's earlobe before bounding along, as equally enthused by the idea and promise of fun later ( ... )


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