It can move sideways, and slantways, and backways, and any other way you could think of... *OTA*

Mar 12, 2011 03:21

There were good days and then there were bad days. Everyone could agree on this. With Martini, this took on a whole other meaning in regards to his visions. Some days he could filter them out and stay grounded in the present. Others, they pressed in hard and thick, making concentration all but impossible. If he fought it, all that would happen was ( Read more... )

captain ethan sykes, vanessa 'copycat' carlysle, alice 'flick' caine, mark 'martini' martinez

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adventure_alice March 14 2011, 15:03:10 UTC
For the most part, Alice kept to herself. She didn't do socialising, she was there to do a job and thus far she wasn't impressed with things. She would've been just as well at home if this was how things were going to go down.

Either way, she did have a training regime to keep with, which happened to include a few hours running. At home, she'd run to a set point and then back, with this place, it had to be laps. Usually she'd do it at night in the training centre, but for once, she decided to run laps of the base instead, familiarising herself with the set out.

What she found, which she wouldn't have if she'd been in the training centre, was someone talking to themselves. Slowing down her pace, Alice tried to pick up what he was saying -since he'd practically just appeared in her peripheral vision.

"Ramble much?" Maybe getting his attention would do some good.


time_schizo March 14 2011, 20:45:25 UTC
"Y'see, the problem is no one wants to hear about all the bad things that have happened to them or that will happen or that might happen. But if I tell 'em the good things that are coming, that'd spoil it, and then they still might not believe what I'm telling until it actually comes true. Right? Of course right." Martini was having such a lovely one-sided conversation with himself and his Things.

Where he was now he wasn't sure. Was he back in Russia and only dreaming he was in Washington? Or was it the other way around? Hmph. It was such a bother when time ran all together like a marker bleeding through a paper. There was no proper way to sort it out.

He never heard a word Alice said. When his eyes finally looked towards where she was, all he could see was black and then suddenly a bright light. He didn't know what that all meant, if indeed it did mean anything at all. He just stared at her with wide staring eyes, not saying a word.


adventure_alice March 14 2011, 20:50:44 UTC
She didn't have a clue why he was staring, or what he was talking about. "Shit happens, no one wants to relive that stuff." And she knew for a fact that when people brought up her past, her heartache and pain, she punched them for the trouble. Sometimes worse.

"So what, you're clairvoyant or something?" She didn't realise that he wasn't hearing her, didn't know if he was even sane enough to figure out what she was saying nevermind formulate some response to it. So far he was just a guy, wandering around and talking to himself.

"Figure the odds are, around here, you'll find someone insane enough to listen to you."


time_schizo March 16 2011, 06:35:56 UTC
After a long period of silence where he just continued to stare at her, he finally addressed Alice. "All the time." The problem was that the answer he was giving to her was to the first question she had asked several minutes ago. His mind was still stuck back in the past, even if it was only by a few minutes.

With a sudden burst of time fluxuation, Alice found her right arm in the hands of Martini. His index finger ran over the heart design on the inside, tracing it slowly. "Oooo. Pretty. But sad, very sad, yep yep." Then he was finally making eye contact, looking at Alice with one of his rare all-knowing gazes, as if all time was held in the palm of his hand. "Do you miss him?"


adventure_alice March 16 2011, 09:50:05 UTC
The silence got a raised eyebrow, the answer got a scoff and just as Alice was about to give up and turn and walk away, he was suddenly at her side and had her arm in his grip. It made her wonder what his power was, because that must be how people felt after she'd frozen them.

Her musing stopped when he traced that tattoo however. "Don't touch me," taking her arm back, Alice glared at his question, ignoring the fact that he evidently didn't realise how sore the subject was, how deep the wound.

"Of course I do, wouldn't you?" Although she figured maybe he wouldn't even realise if it had happened, clearly this one was not all there, clearly there was something completely wrong with him.


time_schizo March 16 2011, 10:56:47 UTC
Martini seemed completely unaware he had crossed a very personal line and was now poking his nose where it most definitely didn't need to be. Still stuck behind by a minute, he started answering the question before the last one. "Yeah. My Things, they show me what people did or will do-"

Then he paused and shook his head, trying to find that spark that would help ground his mind in the present. "No. Wait. That's not right." Focusing hard, he reached out until he found the flow of time connecting to Ric, following it along until he knew where he was again.

Then he absentmindedly released Alice's arm, smiling sheepishly, like a kid who had been snooping around in someone else's room as he realized what he had done. "Guess that was a stupid question to ask. I saw the heart made of ink and ink is like red dust so I just followed the line of dust..." He shrugged as he trailed off, his nonsense analogy made perfect sense to himself.


adventure_alice March 16 2011, 11:41:57 UTC
Things? What people do or did. So he was a bit of a clairvoyant, although that question had been asked and he'd reacted different. Alice wasn't very well aware of the differences in mutations, nor was she aware how they affected people. But the investigator in her told her that his reactions were slowed, although his movements weren't. So it was a mental mutation that slowed or sped up higher brain functions.

It didn't take the sting out of his words.

"Then don't ask it again. And stay out of my past. Dust or ink or whatever takes you there, stay out of it." She'd tried to leave reminders behind her, the only thing she carried with her was her wedding ring, her guilt and her love for Jon in a tattoo to remind her.


time_schizo March 17 2011, 01:32:02 UTC
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. Really." He gave a remarkably impression of a kicked puppy. He may have seemed like he enjoyed being a pain but Mark never truly meant to be spiteful or mean-hearted. At the most, all he ever felt was mischievous. He just didn't understand the way his mind worked often led him astray.

"Now you're mad. I'll be going that way now." He pointed in a direction without really looking at it. "Um, just a thought, but you look prettier when you smile." Where that had come from, he had no idea. Sometimes the words just left his mouth before he could even figure out where they had come from or why he was saying them.


adventure_alice March 17 2011, 10:40:10 UTC
She knew she came off as harsh, and she wasn't particularly mad at him, just hurt by the comments. Everything to do with Jonathan twisted and ached inside her constantly. Even if he didn't mean to, Alice couldn't bring herself to apologise for her brashness.

She barely heard the comment about looking prettier, although she knew she did. Everyone did, didn't they? Alice was a lot of things when she was happier, but right then she just wanted to stop thinking about her husband. "Whatever." Rather than waiting for Martini to walk away, Alice turned on her heel and headed back to the dorm rooms, intent on standing under the hot water until she couldn't take it any further.


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