It can move sideways, and slantways, and backways, and any other way you could think of... *OTA*

Mar 12, 2011 03:21

There were good days and then there were bad days. Everyone could agree on this. With Martini, this took on a whole other meaning in regards to his visions. Some days he could filter them out and stay grounded in the present. Others, they pressed in hard and thick, making concentration all but impossible. If he fought it, all that would happen was ( Read more... )

captain ethan sykes, vanessa 'copycat' carlysle, alice 'flick' caine, mark 'martini' martinez

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Comments 33

captaine_sykes March 12 2011, 11:59:44 UTC
Ethan is staring at the trees which look utterly out of place and sighs, glancing at the soldiers who fidget and look very uncomfortable when they realise it's a mutants doing. Maybe his Momma had a point when it came to taking on a team of mutants, perhaps he should have taken that time off to enjoy the sunshine and visit home before coming back here. But no. He was stubborn and stuck it out and now? Now he's getting closer to needing to take a valium in the morning just to get through the day.

He can probably guess who caused this, the same individual who resulted in Ethan having the Head Chef Shar Pei calling him up and ranting down the phone. Ethan isn't sure what he is meant to do to stop Martinez from doing what he does. According to Emma he's invaluable but as far as Ethan can see the guy is just plain crazy.

Not to mention a menace to the camp along with his boyfriend Richter and Mayspring their... whatever she is to them.


time_schizo March 12 2011, 12:09:30 UTC
"You see, the flag is to the country as the rabbit is to the squirrel. And the squirrel is to the nut as the coconut is to the sparrow. And the sparrow is to..." Martini was holding a very earnest conversation with his Things, explaining his nonsense analogies with all the expressive hand gestures of a professor teaching students.

".....and the dragon is to the knight as the knight is to the captain!" He finished triumphantly, pointing at Sykes with a finger as he appeared next to him with a speed that most teleporters would have envied.

"Now, if we start off again, the captain is to the peach as the peach is to the worm..." He turned to amble off again, completely losing interest in the figure of Captain Sykes before him as if he had never been there at all, completely unaware of the headache he was causing the man.


captaine_sykes March 12 2011, 12:20:30 UTC
Ethan flinches, it's not noticable unless you are up close though as his training has numbed Ethan to things like bomb explosions and being shot at. But it's still just a little bit unnerving to have someone materialise right next to you, in the middle of a conversation that you have no idea what it is about or where it is going.

Glancing at Martinez, Ethan briefly entertains the thought of having him sent to the nearest psych ward. He's only halted by the memories of his conversation with Emma regarding Martinez and the value of this mutant. Plus the potential shit storm that would follow when Richter found out. Ethan has no urge to see his camp flattened anytime soon thank you.

"Martinez what is your problem... today?" He talks through gritted teeth, jaw clenched tightly. "Or do you just spout random rubbish for the hell of it?"


time_schizo March 12 2011, 12:30:41 UTC
He looks down towards his feet. There used to be flowers here. But they're not there anymore. They withered and died, but the roots still remain under the soil. Martini decides he wants them to be there again. Physical touch isn't required for his powers but it does help him focus them better. One hand touches the dirt until the flowers, withered at first but then steadily growing greener, begin to appear. He doesn't stop until they are in full bloom.

With a light skip, not hearing a word Sykes says, he skips back towards his general direction. "Calmly and swiftly doth the little boat flow down the stream and into the ocean." He blinked, staring at Ethan hard with a pair of bright and suddenly clear green eyes. "O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells; rise up-for you the flag is flung-for you the bugle trills...."

It could mean nothing good when Martini was spouting off poems about death. Then his eyes clouded back over with their usual vacant look and he shrugged. "I forget the rest."


adventure_alice March 14 2011, 15:03:10 UTC
For the most part, Alice kept to herself. She didn't do socialising, she was there to do a job and thus far she wasn't impressed with things. She would've been just as well at home if this was how things were going to go down.

Either way, she did have a training regime to keep with, which happened to include a few hours running. At home, she'd run to a set point and then back, with this place, it had to be laps. Usually she'd do it at night in the training centre, but for once, she decided to run laps of the base instead, familiarising herself with the set out.

What she found, which she wouldn't have if she'd been in the training centre, was someone talking to themselves. Slowing down her pace, Alice tried to pick up what he was saying -since he'd practically just appeared in her peripheral vision.

"Ramble much?" Maybe getting his attention would do some good.


time_schizo March 14 2011, 20:45:25 UTC
"Y'see, the problem is no one wants to hear about all the bad things that have happened to them or that will happen or that might happen. But if I tell 'em the good things that are coming, that'd spoil it, and then they still might not believe what I'm telling until it actually comes true. Right? Of course right." Martini was having such a lovely one-sided conversation with himself and his Things.

Where he was now he wasn't sure. Was he back in Russia and only dreaming he was in Washington? Or was it the other way around? Hmph. It was such a bother when time ran all together like a marker bleeding through a paper. There was no proper way to sort it out.

He never heard a word Alice said. When his eyes finally looked towards where she was, all he could see was black and then suddenly a bright light. He didn't know what that all meant, if indeed it did mean anything at all. He just stared at her with wide staring eyes, not saying a word.


adventure_alice March 14 2011, 20:50:44 UTC
She didn't have a clue why he was staring, or what he was talking about. "Shit happens, no one wants to relive that stuff." And she knew for a fact that when people brought up her past, her heartache and pain, she punched them for the trouble. Sometimes worse.

"So what, you're clairvoyant or something?" She didn't realise that he wasn't hearing her, didn't know if he was even sane enough to figure out what she was saying nevermind formulate some response to it. So far he was just a guy, wandering around and talking to himself.

"Figure the odds are, around here, you'll find someone insane enough to listen to you."


time_schizo March 16 2011, 06:35:56 UTC
After a long period of silence where he just continued to stare at her, he finally addressed Alice. "All the time." The problem was that the answer he was giving to her was to the first question she had asked several minutes ago. His mind was still stuck back in the past, even if it was only by a few minutes.

With a sudden burst of time fluxuation, Alice found her right arm in the hands of Martini. His index finger ran over the heart design on the inside, tracing it slowly. "Oooo. Pretty. But sad, very sad, yep yep." Then he was finally making eye contact, looking at Alice with one of his rare all-knowing gazes, as if all time was held in the palm of his hand. "Do you miss him?"


carlyslecopycat March 15 2011, 14:14:02 UTC
If Vanessa had any hobbies, aside from what she did for a living, it was watching people. And even that was part of her usual profession as well as what made using her mutation easier for her. So when she saw a few soldiers standing together, gawking at the trees that seemingly couldn't agree on one season she sat down right where she was, keeoping a safe distance, and watched them watching the trees ( ... )


time_schizo March 16 2011, 06:49:22 UTC
Martini appeared just long enough next to the group of soldiers to startle them and then scamper away before he could get yelled at again. He was still snickering at his little joke as he ran through a faster time stream when he saw Vanessa. One, two, three blinks and he had taken in all the unusual characteristics of the tall woman. Snapping back to the present time flow, he said, "Always blue people. Never yellow or green or purple." He sounded distinctly disappointed by this, though as usual, he had a point.

The team had that blue teleporter and the doctor for a while and Martini had often seen the blue woman that played such a big part in both Rogue's past and future. With this being the fourth blue person turning up in so many months, he didn't even bother to ask the usual question of if she was real or not. He was beginning to think blue as just being yet another skin color like peach or beige.


carlyslecopycat March 16 2011, 11:09:08 UTC
Just as she was trying to get more comfortable in her spot she saw the man appear and disappear again and at least two of the soldiers looked like they were about to have a heart attack. She should probably feel sorry for those poor guys but she couldn't. Instead she found herself chuckling at his antics.

When he appeared again and addressed her she found the strength to not even flinch, instead she focused on his words. Green? Purple? Such an interesting idea. It was a change, which she craved, but it wouldn't be someone else entirely so she could still be herself.

"Yellow would just look sick. And I don't like green. But purple is such a fantastic idea!"

While she spoke a vibrant shade of purple was spreading across her skin and she looked at her hands for a moment before nodding approvingly.

"That's better, isn't it?"


time_schizo March 17 2011, 01:38:02 UTC
Martini stared with wonder as the bright purple shade spread across Vanessa's skin until she stood there, looking like she channeling a much hotter version of Barney the Dinosaur. "Much better. I approve greatly of the new awesomeness." He gave a thumbs-up as he grinned happily. A blue person who could change form was much cooler than one who stayed the same all the time.

His head tilted curiously as he crept a little closer to her, a minuscule alarm clock appearing in his left hand from seemingly nowhere. He wound it carefully. "It that your schtick? Being able to change yourself all topsy-turvy?"


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