
Dec 21, 2010 14:28

The power went out and Emma knew instantly that it shouldn't have happened. Unless Bradley or Richards were messing around. And even then, the camp was powered on three different generators, not to mention the back ups. Emma wasn't taking chances. Slipping from behind her desk, she went to Syke's office first, seeing if she wasn't the only one working late. He wasn't there. Stone was off base and Stryker was with him. This meant she was the only person in the building. Except that was definitely a door closing, and those were footsteps.

Emma couldn't find a signature. Branching out she found others; Victor and Elisabeth and Jack and Collins and Dylan and Rogue. She could find most of the team. But none of them were in the building. The attack had come. Emma had figured she'd have had more time, since Gambit and Wilson's failed mission, she'd figured she'd have a planning time, that she'd have the chance to launch a counter.

Apparently not.

Soldiers rounded the corner and instantly, Emma's lack of ability to pick up their signatures were apparent. Psychic scramblers. Just what she needed. Their weapons raised and Emma glared, turning to diamond with a thought. Every bullet pinged against her form as she covered the ground between them. Her fist caught one of them on the side of the head, going straight through his helmet, another got her elbow in his ribcage, cracking the bones and leaving him on the ground in agony. She wasn't trained, basic hand to hand and sparring skills was all she'd bothered with. But she was diamond hard and superhuman strong like this. Taking them out didn't require grace or skill, just brute strength and aim.

When she stepped out of the office building, she dropped her diamond form, her face, hands, hair and clothes covered in blood. Pausing, Emma reached out with her telepathy, trying to find the rest of the team, work out who was where and who was safe. The few she couldn't pick up on, she worried slightly. Lorna was safe, Rictor was...somewhere. Victor was enjoying himself.

Starting across the camp, Emma stopped and turned as she heard more footsteps. She just had to figure out if all of the soldiers had a scrambler, or just those few.

emma 'white queen' frost, elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock, mark 'martini' martinez, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, [plot] zero tolerance

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