Mayday Mayday - OTA

Dec 19, 2010 15:18

He woke up cold but his shoulder burned. The last thing he remembered was touring the perimeter. It was after hours. Quiet. Boring. He probably should have been more alert and not thinking of random coworkers in various stages of undress but he was a guy. It was late and frankly he needed something to warm him up. There wasn't a sound until he ( Read more... )

roy 'raven' levoch, marie 'rogue' darkholme, [plot] zero tolerance, spc jesse dylan

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Comments 19

marauding_miss December 19 2010, 22:29:57 UTC
It was purely instinct for Rogue to take off out the window when the noises started. With the power out, Rogue wasn't sure what the hell was going on, but her best bet, she knew was out the window. She'd intended on busting in Rictor's window and then finding Martini's, but the burst of gunfire caught her attention and Rogue weighed out her options.

Rictor could handle himself, Martini was smart enough to warp time and protect himself, he'd be cruel and vicious against any attacker. They could handle themselves. With a swoop and a dart towards the ground, spotting the several fallen figures. They didn't seem to be the soldiers from the other camp.

Not a drill. This was not a drill. "Shit," landing, Rogue bent to check on them, catching sight of guns and moving them out of the way quickly. She hated firearms. "Y' alright there?" She couldn't tell if he was just winded or injured, she didn't even know who he was.


obx_spc_dylan December 20 2010, 05:25:45 UTC
If the cold making his joint stiffen wasn't bad enough, there was a pretty, young woman dropping down from heaven to see if he was okay. "Am I dead?"

Once the initial shock wore off he remembered celestial hottie or no celestrial hottie, he didn't want to be dead. His hand went to his chest feeling for that second bullet. It took a little work with frozen fingers but he got it out. No blood. He sighed in relief then looked up at her confused. "I can't be dead. It's just a shoulder wound. I don't want to die.*


marauding_miss December 20 2010, 08:16:03 UTC
Shoving her hair from her face, Rogue walked over to check on his bleeding, taking the near frozen bullet from his cold fingers and sighing. "Y' just got the one hole?" What the heck was with this place and bullet holes? Everyone seemed to want one.

"Y' ain't gonna die, so long as we get y' outta this cold and stop y'r bleeding." Now, bleeding. Shoulder wounds. Rogue was desperately annoyed that she'd never drained anything from a nurse. Basic first aid was all she had and damn if that didn't include 'what to do when a team-mate is bleeding out from a bullet hole in the shoulder' because normally, yeah, not an issue.

"Don't suppose you come with a healin' factor?"


obx_spc_dylan December 20 2010, 15:57:59 UTC
Holy shit. She was real. Not an angel but a mutant. Oh yeah, some of them could fly couldn't they? "Healing factor? Uh, no. No no. I ain't a mutie, er, mutant. Sorry." He apologized quickly for the slur. Now was probably not the time to piss her off.

Jesse tentatively touched his shoulder and tested his arm. He immediately hissed. He wasn't able to raise it fully. "Right about now I wish I were though. Fuck." He grumbled as he tried to undo his flack jacket one handed. His coat underneath was all zippers and snaps so it was a lot easier. He almost couldn't even look at the damn wound just sitting there oozing blood in a pretty steady flow. No wonder his arm felt so cold.

"I can't see. Did it go all the way through?"


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obx_spc_dylan December 20 2010, 05:48:42 UTC
"You think?!" Jesse replied as he struggled to sit up. He didn't mean to be rude but he'd never been shot before and it hurt like hell. Way worse than what he'd heard or seen on tv. The only saving grace was the snow and cold. What wasn't numb was screaming but there was some numbing.

"Hello? Is there anyone there? Over." He tried again but there was only a slight crackle in reply. "I can't get anyone on the radio." Jess sighed and dropped the radio. His arm was starting to feel really cold from the blood loss. He needed to bandage it. His flak jacket and coat was easy enough to get off but the buttons on his shirt required finer motor skills and there was no way he would be able to get his undershirt off without some help. He couldn't even raise his arm fully.

"I need a little help. I can't..." He hissed when his shirt rubbed his wound wrong. "Fuck. I got shot in the shoulder. I need to tie it off."


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obx_spc_dylan December 20 2010, 06:23:01 UTC
He winced a little at the sight of his shirt getting cut off but he'd gripe about the cost of uniforms some other time. "It's really fuckin' cold. I'm having trouble moving my fingers on that arm but I think I'll be ok-- Ah!" He managed before Roy cinched the knot making the kid cry out. Jesse gripped the front of Roy's shirt and dropped his head down to ride it out. He just needed to breathe through it then he would be okay.

"Fuck that hurt." He panted once he could talk again. He let the other man help him into the new jacket. It was still warm from Roy wearing it. Jess sighed. "Thanks. We need to get out of here. There's a lot more where these fuckers came from. We need reinforcements."


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