Mayday Mayday - OTA

Dec 19, 2010 15:18

He woke up cold but his shoulder burned. The last thing he remembered was touring the perimeter. It was after hours. Quiet. Boring. He probably should have been more alert and not thinking of random coworkers in various stages of undress but he was a guy. It was late and frankly he needed something to warm him up. There wasn't a sound until he ( Read more... )

roy 'raven' levoch, marie 'rogue' darkholme, [plot] zero tolerance, spc jesse dylan

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marauding_miss December 19 2010, 22:29:57 UTC
It was purely instinct for Rogue to take off out the window when the noises started. With the power out, Rogue wasn't sure what the hell was going on, but her best bet, she knew was out the window. She'd intended on busting in Rictor's window and then finding Martini's, but the burst of gunfire caught her attention and Rogue weighed out her options.

Rictor could handle himself, Martini was smart enough to warp time and protect himself, he'd be cruel and vicious against any attacker. They could handle themselves. With a swoop and a dart towards the ground, spotting the several fallen figures. They didn't seem to be the soldiers from the other camp.

Not a drill. This was not a drill. "Shit," landing, Rogue bent to check on them, catching sight of guns and moving them out of the way quickly. She hated firearms. "Y' alright there?" She couldn't tell if he was just winded or injured, she didn't even know who he was.


obx_spc_dylan December 20 2010, 05:25:45 UTC
If the cold making his joint stiffen wasn't bad enough, there was a pretty, young woman dropping down from heaven to see if he was okay. "Am I dead?"

Once the initial shock wore off he remembered celestial hottie or no celestrial hottie, he didn't want to be dead. His hand went to his chest feeling for that second bullet. It took a little work with frozen fingers but he got it out. No blood. He sighed in relief then looked up at her confused. "I can't be dead. It's just a shoulder wound. I don't want to die.*


marauding_miss December 20 2010, 08:16:03 UTC
Shoving her hair from her face, Rogue walked over to check on his bleeding, taking the near frozen bullet from his cold fingers and sighing. "Y' just got the one hole?" What the heck was with this place and bullet holes? Everyone seemed to want one.

"Y' ain't gonna die, so long as we get y' outta this cold and stop y'r bleeding." Now, bleeding. Shoulder wounds. Rogue was desperately annoyed that she'd never drained anything from a nurse. Basic first aid was all she had and damn if that didn't include 'what to do when a team-mate is bleeding out from a bullet hole in the shoulder' because normally, yeah, not an issue.

"Don't suppose you come with a healin' factor?"


obx_spc_dylan December 20 2010, 15:57:59 UTC
Holy shit. She was real. Not an angel but a mutant. Oh yeah, some of them could fly couldn't they? "Healing factor? Uh, no. No no. I ain't a mutie, er, mutant. Sorry." He apologized quickly for the slur. Now was probably not the time to piss her off.

Jesse tentatively touched his shoulder and tested his arm. He immediately hissed. He wasn't able to raise it fully. "Right about now I wish I were though. Fuck." He grumbled as he tried to undo his flack jacket one handed. His coat underneath was all zippers and snaps so it was a lot easier. He almost couldn't even look at the damn wound just sitting there oozing blood in a pretty steady flow. No wonder his arm felt so cold.

"I can't see. Did it go all the way through?"


marauding_miss December 20 2010, 19:46:27 UTC
Rogue tried to check, being overly cautious despite having her gloves; they weren't her preferred gloves, just thin ones, she still wasn't sure how good they were. Blood flow, she needed to stop that, at least she knew that much. Only she didn't know what to use to stop it.

Glancing at the other soldiers, Rogue gave a shrug before grabbing one of their arms and ripping off their sleeves, shifting back to see if she could, "Yeah, y'r bleedin' on both ends, sugah. Least we ain't digging any lead out of ya." Bunching up the fabric in her hand, Rogue gave him an apologetic look before pressing it to the front of his shoulder. "Sorry, but Ah'm not exactly a nurse or doc or something." Despite Rictor's penchant for injury, Rogue didn't know what she was doing.

"We gotta get outta the open though."


obx_spc_dylan December 21 2010, 04:12:48 UTC
Gently, he takes the fabric from her hand, shakes it out, and starts wrapping his shoulder. "I know we do but I need you to tie off my shoulder first. Do it tight, okay? I'd like to keep all my fingers."

Even as he spoke, trying to hang tough, he was really not looking forward to the pain tying it off would cause. This shit always looked so easy in the movies. Bruce Willis getting shot in the shoulder or leg and still running around commando like it was nothing. Jesse knew what was up though. He had a drill Sargent in boot that took shrapnel to the shoulder. He used to talk about how it ripped shit up, the months he spent in ICU, and how he still had trouble performing certain actions through the continued pain.

On the plus side, he could still move his fingers. When he breathed in his lungs felt okay. And if it had nicked the artery, he would have bleed out by now. That was going to have to be good enough because the angel was right. They needed to move.


marauding_miss December 21 2010, 11:21:01 UTC
Do it tight? Did he even know- no, he probably didn't. He was new, she thought that much, so he must've been one of the recruits that Sykes had brought in following the incident with Rictor. Which meant it was unlikely he knew just what he was asking her. "Ah can- y' don't..."

But then how the hell was he meant to do it one handed? "Y'r gonna need t' tell me when it's too tight, a'right? Ah'm a little stronger than most folks." If she tied it too tight he could lose his damn arm and she didn't want to be the cause of that.

Taking the ends, Rogue started to pull on them, careful not to rip it again. Pulling tighter, drawing it all around the wound and hopefully stemming the bleeding, Rogue tried to look up at him, "Tight enough? Too tight? What?"


obx_spc_dylan December 23 2010, 02:21:13 UTC
It was the age old band-aid question. One fast rip or careful and drawn out. Jesse was definitely a ripper so he prepared himself for something sharp and fast only to get gradual agonizing pressure. The pain on his face silently grew more intense until he just couldn't take it anymore. "Stop! Stop! Jesus, fuck."

Tucking his arm up close to his body, Jesse got to his feet unsteadily then took a deep breath. Then another. He only turned to thank her when he thought he could do it without cussing her out. She didn't do anything. He was just in pain and he knew that. "Thanks. We'd better go. What did you see coming out? Where were you? The barracks?"


marauding_miss December 23 2010, 08:57:43 UTC
Flinching back like she'd been burned, Rogue put a little space between them. Logically, she knew it was just the wound and not her, maybe her methods, maybe her strength, but she hadn't actually touched him so it wasn't like she'd done anything like that. "Yeah, Ah- well Ah came out the wall."

The floor had been packed, the noises had been overwhelming and Rogue wasn't taking any chances that a bullet wouldn't be hers. So she took out the wall and came that way. "We ought'a see if we can find Hope, she'd patch you up good." Rogue wasn't looking to trail around with an injured Army boy if she could help it.

"Ah should get you to the med center."


Sorry! I thought I responded to this but I must have accidently trashed the notif obx_spc_dylan December 25 2010, 18:32:12 UTC
"Out the wall?" he asked finally taking a good look at her. Looks could be deceiving when dealing with mutants. He didn't know a lot mutants, none outside the camp, but he heard that there were some that were almost impossible to kill they were so strong. "Jesus." He mumbled to himself. She didn't look like she was capable of that kind of damage but she was part of the team for a reason.

He started to argue but when he turned his head it pulled the tendons in his shoulder tight sending a sharp jolt of pain through his shoulder. Jesse hissed again. "Sounds like a plan."


I no mind; it happens marauding_miss December 26 2010, 14:22:05 UTC
"Y' think y' can walk?" She'd been shot before. Thankfully it hadn't been serious and Ms Marvel's powers saved her life, coupled up with Mystique's quick thinking a borrowed healing power from a mutant kid, well, there was no proof of anything.

But he was a soldier, and she didn't want to just assume anything. She could carry him, probably, if it came down to it. But a lot of people didn't really like that sort of assumption and male pride was a touchy thing.

"We gotta be quick if we don't wanna attract no more attention."


obx_spc_dylan December 26 2010, 18:46:35 UTC
"I can walk." He replied with a slight tremor in his voice. He was really fucking cold. "Come on."

His first few steps were a little unsteady but the more he walked the easier it got. Firing his gun was going to be a bitch though. "Hey." He whispered. "You got any offensive powers? Every use one of these?" He asked holding up his sidearm.


marauding_miss December 26 2010, 19:26:32 UTC
Offensive? He must not have been briefed about their powers if he was asking about her offensive powers. "Yeah, Ah got...yeah Ah'm good." She wasn't sure about the fire arm though. "Shouldn't you keep that? In case there's more?"

She wasn't sure the distance to the medical centre, she wasn't sure how many operatives they'd come across between here and there. "Y' gonna need t' defend y'rself. Ah mean, if you can. Can you?"


obx_spc_dylan December 28 2010, 04:11:44 UTC
He wasn't briefed on anything really. He was just told that they were all dangerous, none could be trusted, and no one gets in or out of the base without expressed permission. "If you're good I'll hang on to it. I'm just not so great with my left arm."

In reality, the medical building wasn't so far but from where he was standing it looked forever away. He knew he was just getting tired though. That's probably why he didn't notice the door to the medical building slightly ajar.


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