Arrival - Welcome to Fort Wenachee! - OTA

Oct 06, 2010 14:22

Much like back in Japan there are a line of Humvees awaiting the team at the airport, which they are quickly ushered into and their bags - apart from their carry-ons - are loaded into a separate truck. It's about three in the afternoon as the trucks depart the airport and make the hour journey to their new camp.

The vehicles pull up alongside the open sparring area and the group are herded out to collect before a temporarily errected stage, on which stands a stern faced man in smart uniform, behind him are two other men in uniform, one clearly a solider and one higher ranking.

"Welcome to Fort Wenachee girls and boys, let me make it perfectly clear to you now that this is not a holiday camp. We are not here to be your friend nor are we here to hold your hand when you realise just what you've got yourselves into! I already ask myself what the hell some of you are doing here? No doubt some of you got lost on your way to the store, well let me tell you now. I do not care about your sob story. I do not care about your skills or mutations. I am not a mutant, I am General Stone. From now on when I am around you will only speak when spoke to and the first and last words out of your mouths when in my presence will be Sir!"

Turning he gestured to a man stood next to him. "This is upstanding gentleman is Captain Sykes. He will be joining your team as he too is a mutant however this has neither hindered or assisted him throughout his time at this camp, he has excelled and risen to lead some of the best companies in my honest opinion. Captain Sykes is, as far as you are all concerned God. What he says goes and if you do not like it then boo-fucking-hoo."

Sykes didn't even flinch as the General continued, finally pointing at the solider stood at his side. "This young man will now read out your rooming allocations and a few rules around camp. That is all."

And with that the General stepped down from the stage and strode off towards a waiting vehicle.

✝ tabitha 'boom-boom' smith, jack hendley, ✝ nicky creed, victor creed, !general stone, ✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, captain ethan sykes, roy 'raven' levoch, ✝ james logan, !npc, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring, angelica 'firestar' jones

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