Splitting at the Seams *OTA*

Sep 08, 2010 00:07

Martini slowly walked through the wreckage of the camp, looking much more dazed and confused than usual. His talk with Ric had left him feeling much more badly shaken and upset than he was willing to admit. He blamed himself for the whole mess. Ric had been right. What good were his visions if they couldn't prevent something as important as this? Between that and the overall unbalanced state the earthquake had already left him in, the cracks in his mind were digging much deeper than usual.

His wandering took him to the cliff that overlooked the ocean. The fence had been knocked down during the quake and it looked as if even a portion of the cliff face had fallen into the ocean. Mark stood there for a moment, eyes staring out onto the ocean but not seeing it. His mind had had enough, and was doing the only thing it knew how to protect itself from more damage. It sunk down, away from reality and into his own little world. Turning, he began to wander away, past the cliff, past the crumbled buildings, toward the perimeter of the camp.

✝ lt katrina 'delta' christoffel, mark 'martini' martinez, ✝ james logan

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