What I've done - OTA

Sep 05, 2010 14:52

The first thing that Ric was aware of was a dull ache in his leg that steadily radiated outwards accompanied by a throbbing pain in his head, like a headache but worse. When he opened his eyes his head protested, stomach churning in response and he winced, squeezing his eye tightly closed until he felt ready to gradually open them. Slowly the room came into focus, well okay maybe not room but the cracked ceiling and the bright overhead lights followed steadily by his hearing, it sounded like people were clearing up and moving stuff.

For some reason Ric wasn't panicking like he knew he wanted to be but that was probably down to the woozy feeling which meant he must have been drugged. It was like some kind of out of body experience with everything moving so slowly and almost muted but with what he had been drugged Ric didn't have a clue. Still laying there he brought his hand up above his face and caught sight of the drip out the back of his hand and finally turned his head to look around the room. Okay. So he recognised the Med Bay which looked like it had been trashed and shaken by a... fuck... earthquake. His memories were disjointed, flashes of people running and the ground shaking but nothing was making sense and lord did it hurt to try and think.

Easing himself upright the Mexican let  the blanket fall to his waist only then noting that he was now wearing one of the Med Bay white tshirts and their fetching blue scrubs. He opened his mouth to speak and coughed, not realising how dry his throat was until that moment. Licking his lips Ric tried to call out again, voice cracked and hoarse.

"Hello? Doctor H-Hope? Anyone?"

✝ tabitha 'boom-boom' smith, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, roy 'raven' levoch, angelica 'firestar' jones

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