May 12, 2010 15:17
Figures, The second she gets to Japan, she gets a notice stating that the big boss man has temporarily left the building , she still has no team, and it took freaking forever to actually find the base.
Glaring at the front gates Tabitha shifts her pack over her shoulder, props a foot up on the first run and starts to climb, only stopping halfway to toss the heavy green army bag over before she swings up and over herself; somehow managing to not land face first and does a small fist pump of triumph as she picks up her worldly possessions and makes way for the entrance. Her worn and torn brown combat boots thump on the ground; the green cutoffs that clash violently with her red and black Ramones tank top, and black leather jacket give off an an air of confidence that serve as her only comfort against the fact that she is hopelessly and completely lost.
[content] arrival,
✝ tabitha 'boom-boom' smith,
elisabeth 'psylocke' braddock,
✝ cassidy 'c4' jamison,
roy 'raven' levoch