For Team Ryu but ota

May 09, 2010 20:18

As soon as word spread of Stryker's leave, Zero knew there would be trouble. Though it hadn't happened yet, and boy was he surprised, he knew his team well enough to know that it would. The marksman had yet to have problems from his team or anyone else's but that didn't mean that it wasn't going to happen. Especially not now.

Hendley was in way over his head. And Zero had to admit the Colonel was foolish for thinking one man could handle the entire camp on his leave. Stryker could hardly do it himself. Now, with a mutant hunter at the reigns, things would surely become chaotic. Especially considering...well, there were few that would vouch for him. They were all mutants after all.

However, Zero wouldn't deviate from his mandate and would follow along with what Stryker had left in place. He took it upon himself to post a notice for his team (for all really) to be a 'healthy reminder' for those who were already conspiring. Or planning on deviating from the normal.

Attention team members:

The fact that Colonel Stryker is no longer on the premise does not give way to different regulations or standards. Authority has been placed in the hands of Jack Hendley, and all are to abide by his orders as if it were direct from the Colonel himself. There is no reason for things to go any differently.

Failure to comply with these standards will result in immediate punishment as per offense and judgment by Hendley. Nothing has changed.

✝ cassidy 'c4' jamison, ✝ david 'agent zero' north, mark 'martini' martinez, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring, ✝ alyssa ryan

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