For Team Ryu but ota

May 09, 2010 20:18

As soon as word spread of Stryker's leave, Zero knew there would be trouble. Though it hadn't happened yet, and boy was he surprised, he knew his team well enough to know that it would. The marksman had yet to have problems from his team or anyone else's but that didn't mean that it wasn't going to happen. Especially not now.

Hendley was in way over ( Read more... )

✝ cassidy 'c4' jamison, ✝ david 'agent zero' north, mark 'martini' martinez, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring, ✝ alyssa ryan

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kinshou_kitsune May 10 2010, 14:28:13 UTC
The foxes will play? Yep. They most certainly would.

Lyssa had already read the message once that Zero had posted. The hardass was just as bad as Jack in her opinion though had that stick a little harder in his brain than her team lead. Coming back by for a second read of the note with a sharpie in hand the woman tried her best to keep a sly little smile from sliding on to her face. It was hard, really, considering what she had in mind to do.

Glancing left then right to make sure the coast was clear the mercenary turned toward the note while pulling the cap free from the sharpie. Quickly Lys had gone to work drawing hearts over the i's and smilie faces here or there. Even a few flowers around the corners. Anything a little girl would draw on a note to a crush.

She was shameless. Really.


donthink_shoot May 10 2010, 17:34:47 UTC
From behind her a nice little "Ahem" that was much more of a grunt could be heard. Zero could hardly believe this. Now he could expect this from Ophelia, but Ryan wasn't even on his team. Why? How was this necessary?

"Have you nothing better to do?"


kinshou_kitsune May 10 2010, 17:51:59 UTC
Oh shi- Lyssa paused, slowly the shorter woman glanced over her shoulder towards North with a wide little smile crossing her face. All messages that were of this sort seemed better when there were hearts dotting the i's and smilie faces. Of course it was necessary!

And yes it did kill the boredom for half a second.

"If I said yes... would you shoot me?" Carefully the woman slid the cap back on the sharpie before sliding it in to her back pocket. Honestly the two of them hadn't gotten along well since Russia when he tried to make her go back to her room on curfew. Really. A curfew? She was twenty-seven years old. Adults didn't have curfews.


donthink_shoot May 10 2010, 17:56:07 UTC
"Unfortunately I don't have a means to shoot you if that's the only reason. If you'd like to make up another one, well, I'm not going to argue."

He folded his arms as he watched her return the sharpie. At least she didn't continue. With the sharpie anyways, he could sense more snark coming his way. Especially since she'd been hanging around Wilson. Oh yes, he was in for it.


kinshou_kitsune May 10 2010, 18:01:09 UTC
"I think I have enough holes in my body for now. Thanks though- I'll keep you in mind when I have need for some more landscaping though." Oh she'd continue once he was gone if he didn't stick around. There was unicorns and rainbows to be drawn on the paper anyway. "Guess it would call under the industrial kind."

While Wade was rubbing off on her a little, Lyssa still wasn't as bad as the mouthy merc. Honestly she was the quiet one compared to him which was weird because while she was a talker, she just didn't talk that much. Looking down at her nails the woman was soon leaning against the wall. She could wait all day for him to move. Or until Jack came by at least.


donthink_shoot May 10 2010, 18:08:39 UTC
He wasn't going anywhere until he was sure she had given up. Which, he knew she hadn't. And he was less than pleased about it. It showed clearly on his face.

"Away from the notice, Ryan. That's enough thank you."


kinshou_kitsune May 10 2010, 18:15:00 UTC
Lyssa pouted, one deep little frown of mock hurt crossing her face. "What? I'm not doing anything. Last I checked it was perfect legal to stand here having a simple conversation with someone." Quickly one of the woman's brows quirked upward. "Unless you are claiming total dick-tator ship of this section of the compound?"

It wasn't like she had a mission to prep for or anything. Alyssa had all the time in the world at that moment to stand there like that beside the note.


donthink_shoot May 11 2010, 16:36:17 UTC
Rolling his eyes, Zero shook his head lightly. "I have no problem with conversation. My issue is with you, that pen, and that piece of paper. If you weren't doing anything we wouldn't be having this conversation."

Unfortunately for her Zero didn't have any other task for the day either. He could, and would, stand there all goddamned day if she did.


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