For Team Ryu but ota

May 09, 2010 20:18

As soon as word spread of Stryker's leave, Zero knew there would be trouble. Though it hadn't happened yet, and boy was he surprised, he knew his team well enough to know that it would. The marksman had yet to have problems from his team or anyone else's but that didn't mean that it wasn't going to happen. Especially not now.

Hendley was in way over ( Read more... )

✝ cassidy 'c4' jamison, ✝ david 'agent zero' north, mark 'martini' martinez, sarah 'ophelia' mayspring, ✝ alyssa ryan

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mad_asahatter May 10 2010, 10:01:06 UTC
She hadn't been doing much of anything, although the shift in tension she'd felt. Nothing made sense really. At least not until Agent Zero pinned up his little notice; Ophelia clambered across to read it, wondering if he'd mind if she doodled little pictures on it.

Reading it through, in her head turning it into a little song and mildly changing the words, Ophelia glanced at Zero; "While the chicken's away, the foxes can't play?"


donthink_shoot May 10 2010, 17:32:35 UTC
Zero shrank back almost a considerable amount as Ophelia manuevered her way to the sign. No, she didn't scare him, maybe surprised him abit. His face contorted as she began to doodle little pictures on it...What the hell?

"Ophelia, could I ask you to stop doing that?" He all but growled. Of course that sign's life span didn't stand a chance. What was he thinking? Should have carved it in iron.

"And no, absolutely not."


mad_asahatter May 10 2010, 18:00:52 UTC
She stopped mid-way through her little doodle -a heart, naturally, with a little time hand inside it. Well, why wouldn't she. "Making it attract attention, she is. Wouldn't want it to go a miss?" She was doing nothing of the sort, but hell, she might as well try.

"Play is good, helps the soul. It's as fun to be so droll." She really didn't understand why these people didn't enjoy things more. Especially life. But, while she could make them, she was trying not to.

She couldn't rightly remember why, but she knew she was supposed to be trying not to interfere.


donthink_shoot May 10 2010, 18:04:06 UTC
"I'd rather it not be an attraction please. The point of the notice is to be a warning. And I hardly see how it will be seen as such with hearts on it." He was trying to be patient with her, he really was.

Zero took a deep breath and folded his arms. "You can enjoy yourself without breaking the rules. Trust me, it's for everyone's benefit."

That part was far from bullshit. If things got out of hand here, well..he didn't want to think about it.


mad_asahatter May 10 2010, 18:24:23 UTC
She looked at the sign, the plain one under her little doodle, the boring, sad little sign that needed some life, and she pouted. "Such a crime, such a shame. Living like that without face or name."

Rules, Ophelia found, we not nearly as fun as chaos. She liked chaos, it tasted like strawberry jubilees in the summer, with a bit of Tabasco sauce and a pince of chilli. Experience told her all this.

"Keep the reigns far too tight, too much of that'll start a fight. Lose the game or lose your mind, they type you know they'll never find."


donthink_shoot May 11 2010, 16:33:47 UTC
Watching her examine the papers and the way that she did it gave Zero the feeling that he was fighting a losing battle. But, wasn't he always?

"It's like that so people will take it seriously, as it should." The look in her eyes only signified that he was right in making the sign. If not only having the mindframe. Something was going to happen..sign or not.

"If you want to make your own sign for...whatever, you can. Just leave that one alone. Please." Maybe the extra courtesy would help.


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