ATTN Team Tanuki - 'freeing' Jubilee

Apr 26, 2010 19:37

Logan waited for his team to reassemble in the afternoon. He'd just got word about something - too late, for his liking, but with Stryker, what could you expect? That didn't mean that Logan was just going to sit back and take it, though. In fact, this was as good an opportunity as ever to train his team in a realistic mission situation. Their morning trainings had been going... well, as good as could be expected, he supposed. But they'd be hopeless on a mission - they had been hopeless on a mission. It was about time to train that, too.

"Listen up. Our first mission was a disaster. If we'd been up against an actual enemy, rather than one unsuspecting boy, you'd all have ended up dead." This was Stryker's fault, of course - Logan had warned him that they weren't ready. But that didn't change the fact that everyone might've died. Logan looked sternly around his team, hoping the message sunk in. "This is your chance to do better."

"There's a girl in the brig that's gonna be part of our team. Stryker's gonna let her out soon. But she's part of our team, an' I say we set her free now. Tonight."

He leaned back a little, waiting for people's reactions. It wasn't an officially sanctioned mission, of course. In fact, there wasn't a doubt in Logan's mind that Stryker would be furious when he found out. That was part of the fun. And it was their teammate that they were going to liberate; and it was a good chance to work together as a team. All in all? Logan was really looking forward to this.

"Now, who can tell me the obstacles we're gonna face?"

((Everyone who wants in on this 'mission', please tag in within the next day. After that, I will start a new thread under here for the actual mission. Once the mission has started, please stick to whatever posting order we end up with!))

✝ asher banks, ✝ james logan, ✝ katie thompson, ✝ cassie anderson

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