Thinking ~OTA~

Apr 26, 2010 12:52

*Lying on his cot, Nick fidgeted on his sheets. He wasn't known for laying down for too long (unless he was asleep) without anything to do. Sighing he stood, leaving the bedroom he walked out of the team room, he needed fresh air. Walking out to the open area, he walked up to the fence separating them from the cliffs. He took a deep breath of sea air.

Being outside always calmed him down. While he wasn't angry with Cassidy anymore, it still worried him that he had gotten himself hurt. He took another deep breath of sea air, expelling everything negative he felt. Looking over the fence he smiled slightly, he'd always loved the sound and smell of the ocean, and now they were so close, he'd probably spend most of his time here at the fence.*

I think this place is going to be good. *He spoke aloud to no one in particular.* 

✝ nick dushant

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