Let's not have the smell of fried feathers

Apr 16, 2010 10:59

Japan, what fun...

Okay usually he had fun in Japan, this time it just screamed business, which was why he was glad he slipped away from the hotel he was staying in. Currently roaming Okinawa he found the place he was looking for. His translator Michiko had told him about the place, a small little night club with a great live band, it didn't matter to him that he couldn't understand most of the music, he was just interested in enjoying himself, and if the music sounded good, you didn't need to know the language perfectly.

Slipping into the club he ordered a drink, glad that much of the conversational Japanese had stuck. Taking a look around he found a table in a corner and watched the girl band on the stage. They weren't that bad, and the guitarist was hot looking. They finished off their set and another band started to get ready. That's when he noticed he was being watched. - Fuck... - And herehe goes trying to work his way out of the club.

He knew it had been too easy, of course his dad would have set him up…

((ooc: Tanuki team, have fun, Warren’s your target Would so help if the mun could spell.))

✝ james logan, angelica 'firestar' jones

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