Mission; Team 5. (Acquisition: Tag, Noriko, Wraith, Folton and Rayne)

Feb 03, 2010 12:09

Missions were never Noriko's favorite things. Especially when the girl was put as team leader. When it happened at school, she questioned authority, wanted to know why she was put in charge. Here, however, questioning authority would definitely get someone killed and she wasn't looking to get killed.

She also wasn't sure what to make of being sent ( Read more... )

✝ ty 'sensory' folton, ✝ noriko 'surge' ashida, ✝ john 'kestrel' wraith

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readswithhands February 3 2010, 21:52:59 UTC

It took a rather large leap of faith for Edison to turn his back on that door, guarded only by two people he'd barely met, trusting his life to their vigilance. He glanced at the young blue haired girl, the team leader, and briefly at the two men. Her youth didn't bother him, he was near the same age himself. But he couldn't help but wish he'd had more prep time.

With mayhem occuring at different places across the base, there wasn't time to be cautious, though. His assignment was cut and dried, if maddeningly non-specific. No idea if there was anything in particular in the reasearch section that Stryker was looking for, Edison pulled his gloves off in a quick smooth gesture and spread his fingers wide, reaching out to skim the surface of the nearest cabinets with sensitive fingertips.

Impressions crowded in immediately, jumbled and confusing. He lost all but peripheral awareness of the room as he worked to sort them out quickly.


blinded_senses February 4 2010, 08:29:33 UTC
Ty nodded just once, before turning his attention outwards. For once, he didn't focus on reigning his senses in, or keeping the pain he could feel coming from all over as the different teams attacked out of his head.

He could feel as some of the guards were taken down swiftly, their pain a brief flash in his mind before disappearing completely. Others who were not so lucky were lingering, a slow death in store for them. Ty numbed them to their agony as they died, a small mercy he could offer.

Suddenly, his ears picked up something coming towards him and Noriko. His head snapped sharply to the left, resembling a hound that had picked up a scent. He spoke calmly, not a hint of fear nor excitement in his voice. He knew how to fight, even if he couldn't see his opponent. "Surge, we've got several guards approaching us."


hunt_the_devil February 4 2010, 21:04:15 UTC
John didn't need much encouragement to get on with his job, once he knew what their roles were he smiled briefly at the others with a slight tilt of his hat in acknowledgment to what Nori had asked him to do, before teleporting off into the building ( ... )


zapcracklepop February 5 2010, 16:42:36 UTC
They were all listening to her. This was great! Nori gave herself a split second to be shocked before hurrying over to Ty, a soft frown on her face. She was really hoping the others would have taken care of the guards wandering around before she had to do anything but oh, well.

She waited til she actually saw them before stepping out into the hall. Sending several well placed bolts of electricity at the men, she worked quickly. She hoped to knock them out before they could grab their guns or alert anyone else, her glowing blue eyes keeping watch for signs of just such a thing.

A brief glance at the meter on her gauntlet told her she was actually good to go for a while. Hopefully.

When what she hoped were the last of the guards was down, she turned to look at Ty.

"How we doing? Any more?" she asked, looking down the hall again.


blinded_senses February 6 2010, 03:04:58 UTC
Ty listened as the girl shot out bolts of electricity, the crackle in the air making the hairs in his arms stand on end. He could feel the guards sudden pain as they fell to ground, stunned by the electricity coursing through their bodies.

That had been easy, almost too easy. His senses stayed on high alert, his ears trained to hear anything else. He poked his head out into the hall. At Nori's question, he shook his head. "I think that was-"

Bang! The blast of gunfire that came down the hall startled the mutant, and he jumped back, almost bumping into Nori. "I stand corrected. There appears to be several more."


zapcracklepop February 6 2010, 03:24:40 UTC
"Ah, shit," Nori swore as she heard the gunfire. Oh, how she hated guns. She hated this whole mess and people were in danger because of her. No, scratch that. This was Stryker's fault entirely ( ... )


blinded_senses February 6 2010, 04:15:19 UTC
Ty left Nori once again take care of the intruders, keeping them busy in his own way by causing sharp pain in their arms, trying to inhibit their ability to shoot. Perhaps it was this that caused one of the shots to go wild and hit Nori's gauntlet.

The surge of pain that coursed through his head was sudden and intense. A hand reached up clutching at his temple. He reached out, trying to calm the girl's pain. Despite her youth, he liked his team leader's spunk. Through gritted teeth, he asked, "Nori, are you alright?"

His mind sought out the soldier that had fired. One of his teammates had just been injured, and Ty would just not let that stand. Finding any and all nerves he could focus on, Ty let loose with his powers, causing as much agony as he could to the man. The loud screams that he heard in return satisfied Ty much more than he would ever admit.


Follow on from post below. hunt_the_devil February 7 2010, 12:29:48 UTC
John appeared behind Nori and Ty, pressing himself up against the wall as bullets flew past or connected with the concrete walls, sending a shower of dust and debris into the air.

"Fuck!" John ducked down and glanced at Nori, noting that one of her power gauntlets looked less than healthy. Looking over to where Ty stood it appeared that the other team mate was fine. "Right you two, cover me ( ... )


readswithhands February 5 2010, 23:24:41 UTC
Edison heard the voice but it took him a couple of seconds to disentangle himself from the multiple overlaying full sensory visions that his psychometry and profiling technique had generated.

He turned and looked at the teleporter - John Wraith, he reminded himself - and pointed.

"That case," pointing with a slender arm - the case in question was large enough to house an electric piano, and had a sophisticated lock on it that hand't been disturbed. "It has backups of their entire research section, in solid state memory."


hunt_the_devil February 7 2010, 12:19:31 UTC
John nodded moving to stand by the case that Edison had indicated, he placed his hands firmly on the smooth surface, fingers gripping it slightly. He could hear the gun shots in the distance, echoing along the corridors and getting steadily closer to where they were.

"I'll take this, check on Ashida an' Folton, then I'm coming back for you. Be ready to leave this room an' watch your back okay Rayne. They ain't playin' nice out there."

John didn't wait for any response, this wasn't a matter that was up for discussion. The guards were shooting to kill now, not to wound and although John wasn't leading this mission he sure as hell wasn't going to stand by and let people get hurt. Telporting the case out of the room he quickly left it at the jeep and teleported over behind Nori, ducking a bullet that whistled a little too close for comfort.


readswithhands February 7 2010, 18:43:29 UTC
Edison sucked in a quiet breath as Wraith issued his quick orders and vanished. The afterimaged seemed to hover in the air for a split second or two as the Profiler registered gunshots and other sounds of live combat, not close but on the other hand, anywhere within a bullet's traveling distance was too close.

Reaching down, he unsnapped the safety strap on the hoster that held his gun. He was wearing a vest, souvenier of his time with LVPD, but the weapons the guards were using probably had rounds that would cut through the kevlar.

Moving over to the the door, he opened it a couple of inches, listening for approaching booted feet.


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