Nothing Good to Eat [ota]

Feb 01, 2010 17:16

Wade had been spending most of his time in the workout room training. It wasn't a luxury the team had back in Africa, and he was going to take advantage. Especially since he hadn't gone on a mission since god knows when. He had a feeling Stryker was just being a dick and punishing him for his constant mouth. But what else was new ( Read more... )

✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, ✝ jamie 'multiple man' madrox, ✝ mortimer 'toad' toynbee, wade wilson, ✝ cassie anderson

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hunt_the_devil February 1 2010, 22:30:47 UTC
"I hope you're plannin' on puttin' back everythin' you've just taken out." John materalised in the centre of the kitchen, coffee mug in hand as he stared at the sight of Wade balancing up on the counter and raiding the cupboards.

Adjusting his hat, John sighed, leaning against the counter nearest to him as he reached over to switch on the coffee machine.

"An' before you go askin' no I don't know where your tub of peanut butter has gone either. If you wanted to hide it from the others you shouldn't have left it in the cupboard where anyone else could find it."

Sometimes it was like working in a daycare centre.


makesppldead February 1 2010, 23:00:30 UTC
Wade knew from the sound of the voice whom it was, but didn't look over his shoulder at John until he was done sifting through the shelf. He narrowed his eyes at him. "And if I don't, Mommy?"

He only shoved the things back so they weren't falling out before hopping down from the counter. "I ate the peanut butter a long time ago. But I appreciate your concern. What pisses me off is there's nothing around here to eat that isn't in a can or a box."


hunt_the_devil February 1 2010, 23:13:34 UTC
John frowned at the 'Mommy' comment but didn't respond, he knew it was only Wade trying to bait him into a petty discussion and he wasn't falling for that old trick this time! Oh no! Pouring himself a mug of coffee John slowly stirred in two sugars before teleporting across the kitchen to open the cupboards. He barely managed to duck in time as a can of... well who knew what it was as the label was in Russian, flew past him and hit the floor with a loud metallic thud.

"If you'd had been here earlier," John picked up the can and started to re-organise the cupboard back to how it was before it had been struck by 'Hurricane Wade.' "You'd have been served up a plate of somethin' I cooked."

He smiled at Wade, knowing that would only serve to goad him though. "But I can't help it if you let your feet drag when it comes to meal times an' I've already given the left overs to the guards. Hows about some bread and cheese? I know we got plenty of that."


makesppldead February 2 2010, 00:27:33 UTC
Leaning against the counter, Wade frowned and folded his arms as he watched John clean up his mess. He was tired, hungry, and not at all pleased to hear that leftovers were given to guards.

"Excuse me if I'm actually trying to stay in shape rather than taking to become another Martha Stewart. I knew it was boring here, but come on John." He settled to go sift through the fridge. "Bread and Cheese? This ain't prison. And I sure as hell am not going to eat like it. There's got to be something."


hunt_the_devil February 2 2010, 20:54:27 UTC
"Hell I ain't your personal chef Wade. All you got is the cans, ready meals or bread an' cheese. Anyway we survived just fine on those packs Stryker used to get before I started panderin' to you lot." John shut the cupboard and resumed drinking his mug of coffee.

"If you're gonna insult me I sure as hell won't be offerin' to help you get food mister I-can't-shut-my-mouth-to-save-my-life." John didn't mean it though, Wade was mouthy, annoying and rude but he'd never offended John or meant harm with his snarky comments. Well at least John thought he hadn't meant harm.


makesppldead February 2 2010, 20:58:17 UTC
"You're not everyone else's personal chef either but you sure as hell didn't mind cooking for them." He pulled out an apple and some cheese, setting it on the counter while he grabbed a plate and a knife.

He began to slice the cheese slowly. "Sticks and stones, John, sticks and stones." Of course Wade never meant any real harm. To people like John anyways. It was just his personality.


hunt_the_devil February 2 2010, 22:44:46 UTC
John rolled his eyes, he could recongise a trademark Wade sulk from a mile away. Walking over to pull open the fridge and fetch out some eggs and milk, he then plucked the cheese that Wade had already sliced and set it by the cooker.

"Omlette alright for you?" John didn't mind cooking really, he just wasn't usually up for solo requests. "Next time you want some of the food, you'd do well to remember to show up with the rest of them alright?"


makesppldead February 3 2010, 02:50:17 UTC
Wade smirked, pleased that he'd won John over so quickly. Hopping onto one of the barstools he propped his head up on his hands to watch. "A simple run down the hall could have let me know. Excuse me for not knowing your schedule."


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