Nothing Good to Eat [ota]

Feb 01, 2010 17:16

Wade had been spending most of his time in the workout room training. It wasn't a luxury the team had back in Africa, and he was going to take advantage. Especially since he hadn't gone on a mission since god knows when. He had a feeling Stryker was just being a dick and punishing him for his constant mouth. But what else was new ( Read more... )

✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, ✝ jamie 'multiple man' madrox, ✝ mortimer 'toad' toynbee, wade wilson, ✝ cassie anderson

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Comments 30

hunt_the_devil February 1 2010, 22:30:47 UTC
"I hope you're plannin' on puttin' back everythin' you've just taken out." John materalised in the centre of the kitchen, coffee mug in hand as he stared at the sight of Wade balancing up on the counter and raiding the cupboards.

Adjusting his hat, John sighed, leaning against the counter nearest to him as he reached over to switch on the coffee machine.

"An' before you go askin' no I don't know where your tub of peanut butter has gone either. If you wanted to hide it from the others you shouldn't have left it in the cupboard where anyone else could find it."

Sometimes it was like working in a daycare centre.


makesppldead February 1 2010, 23:00:30 UTC
Wade knew from the sound of the voice whom it was, but didn't look over his shoulder at John until he was done sifting through the shelf. He narrowed his eyes at him. "And if I don't, Mommy?"

He only shoved the things back so they weren't falling out before hopping down from the counter. "I ate the peanut butter a long time ago. But I appreciate your concern. What pisses me off is there's nothing around here to eat that isn't in a can or a box."


hunt_the_devil February 1 2010, 23:13:34 UTC
John frowned at the 'Mommy' comment but didn't respond, he knew it was only Wade trying to bait him into a petty discussion and he wasn't falling for that old trick this time! Oh no! Pouring himself a mug of coffee John slowly stirred in two sugars before teleporting across the kitchen to open the cupboards. He barely managed to duck in time as a can of... well who knew what it was as the label was in Russian, flew past him and hit the floor with a loud metallic thud.

"If you'd had been here earlier," John picked up the can and started to re-organise the cupboard back to how it was before it had been struck by 'Hurricane Wade.' "You'd have been served up a plate of somethin' I cooked."

He smiled at Wade, knowing that would only serve to goad him though. "But I can't help it if you let your feet drag when it comes to meal times an' I've already given the left overs to the guards. Hows about some bread and cheese? I know we got plenty of that."


makesppldead February 2 2010, 00:27:33 UTC
Leaning against the counter, Wade frowned and folded his arms as he watched John clean up his mess. He was tired, hungry, and not at all pleased to hear that leftovers were given to guards.

"Excuse me if I'm actually trying to stay in shape rather than taking to become another Martha Stewart. I knew it was boring here, but come on John." He settled to go sift through the fridge. "Bread and Cheese? This ain't prison. And I sure as hell am not going to eat like it. There's got to be something."


slimy_droog February 1 2010, 22:55:48 UTC
The birds in this place were bloody smart. They had learned to steer clear of Mortimer after he had gobbled a few of them. Figuring he would give them a break with enough time for them to risk flying close to the building, he went inside.

He entered the kitchen for a quick snack and thus found a man already searching for coveted nosh. Looking a little annoyed, he leaned against the doorway.

"Nuffink to nibble, yeah?"


makesppldead February 1 2010, 23:02:42 UTC
It took him a few moments but Wade finally lifted his head from the shelf. Something spoke right? He blinked before turning around. " Not from what I can see. At least, nothing that's not enclosed in a can that's probably been in there for five years already."


slimy_droog February 1 2010, 23:19:45 UTC
Walking across the kitchen, Toad extended his tongue to the refrigerator door before he reached it by foot, opening the door all the way.

"Hunh," he mused aloud as he looked at the contents. His tongue let go of the door and returned to his mouth.

"Well ain't that a damn shame..."


makesppldead February 2 2010, 00:29:54 UTC
Wade hopped off the counter, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he watched Toad with an odd expression. "Yeah no kidding. I'm starving. Enough to just leave and get my own damn food."


uptonogod February 2 2010, 03:20:00 UTC
Jamie was having the same issue, surprisingly. He was usually fairly self reliant but today he and his dupes were feeling lazy. Where was a damn microwave when it was needed? Oh, that's right. There wasn't one.

Jamie had arrived in the kitchen a little while after Wade, his hands in his coat pockets. There were three more of him trailing behind and all of them were chatting amongst themselves. Except for Jamie Prime. He didn't much feel like talking.

Tilting his head once towards Wade by way of greeting, he asked "Anything specific you're lookin' for?"


makesppldead February 2 2010, 03:24:26 UTC
Wade glanced at Jamie from the corner of his eye, then did a double take, leaning back to count how many more of him there were. When the analysis was over he shut the cabinet, frowning. "Something edible."

Hopping off the counter he moved to the freezer, lifting and moving things around. "Can o'crab galore. But I see nothing of mild 'food' status."


uptonogod February 2 2010, 03:48:27 UTC
Jamie sent one of his dupes to search the freezer and then the fridge, another one was sent to the large cabinet beside the stove.

"Edible works. I think there might be mashed potatoes from a couple nights ago left over," Jamie said, looking at the dupe rummaging the fridge.

The dupe looked up, shook his head and Jamie Prime sighed. Looking at Wade with an expression that was nothing short of annoyance at the lack of mashed potatoes, he shrugged.

"There are eggs and cheese in the fridge," he said after reabsorbing the fridge-rummaging dupe. Why was it he seemed to be defaulting to breakfast for dinner a lot around here?


makesppldead February 2 2010, 04:00:29 UTC
Wade's face had lightened at the mention of mashed potatoes, then fell again. He almost sagged to the floor.

"While that sounds so appealing, I'd like to actually eat something that's going to fill my stomach. And...that won't really require cooking. As I can't."


acold_burden February 2 2010, 03:33:20 UTC
She'd been sitting at a table towards the back of the mess hall, snacking on some pop tarts she found. When Wade walked in, she watched him. He looked to be on a mission. Once he began scavaging though the cabinets, she made her self known. "Hungry?"


makesppldead February 2 2010, 03:58:31 UTC
He almost flinched at her question. Frowning and looking over his shoulder, he narrowed his eyes at her. "No. I just like tearing rooms apart. Today's agenda is the kitchen, but I can't find enough glass jars to toss around."


acold_burden February 2 2010, 04:06:51 UTC
With a mouthful of food, she said, "Oh. Sounds like fun. Need any help?" Cassie sat the piece of pop tart down and brushed off her hands. In all seriousness, she wouldn't mind breaking a few things.


makesppldead February 2 2010, 04:13:33 UTC
He might have stolen her poptart. If he was that desperate. But it didn't look that delicious rolling around in her mouth, so he passed and pulled some pickles out from the refrigerator. He could eat all of those.



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