Bang Bang I used to shoot you down - OTA

Jan 08, 2010 22:12

John was out at the outdoor shooting range, the sheltered range area was damp but thankfully devoid of snow and a little warmer than the uncovered range point had been. Toying with the Taurus Millennium Handgun John had already inspected the handgun for any barrel obstructions, dirt and debris before loading the ammunition ( Read more... )

✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, chris 'bolt' bradley, ✝ david 'agent zero' north, ✝ mortimer 'toad' toynbee

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lightbulbtrix January 10 2010, 00:17:27 UTC
Bradley was outside again, listening to the crack of a gun on the artillery range. He wondered which one of his teammates had gone trigger happy. Once again, his innate curiosity wouldn't let him be, and he headed over to the range, relaxing when he saw the familiar cowboy hat.

"Taking a note out of Zero's book, now, are we?"


hunt_the_devil January 10 2010, 00:30:27 UTC
John finished the clip in the gun before setting the weapon down and grabbing an empty cold shell flicking it at Bradley.

"Reckon I've got more style an' class than Zero thank you very much." Tapping the edge of his hat John smiled at Bradley before picking up another gun, an automatic this time checking it over slowly.

"You here to cause mischief or to insult my fashion sense gadget boy?"


lightbulbtrix January 10 2010, 01:17:05 UTC
Bradley easily dodged the shell, at this point used to objects occasionally being flung his way by John and Fred.

He ambled over, knowing he could relax around his friend. "Oh, insult the fashion sense, most definitely cowboy. You just set yourself up for it by wearing that get-up."


hunt_the_devil January 10 2010, 01:28:23 UTC
"Yeah yeah you're just jealous you can't carry off this hat like I know I can. Maybe if you're really lucky I'll let you borrow my hat one day an' you can play at being the Sheriff." John hadn't managed to catch up with Bradley in a while so it was nice to see his friend around.

"You know you probably could do with some practice with a gun, it's been a while since I seen you do any real work techie." Gesturing to the selection of weapons laid out John smiled a little but kept his voice neutral. "That's if you remember how to fire a gun I mean. I'd just hate to show you up geek."


lightbulbtrix January 10 2010, 02:03:36 UTC
"Yes, that must be it. I have secret desire to look as gay as possible." Bradley rolled his eyes at his friend's good-natured jabs.

Bradley scanned the weapons on the ground, selecting a small gun. He wasn't a good shot, but he wasn't about to chicken out, especially with John egging him on like he was. "You're on, cowboy. Best hope I remember how to shoot the big scary gun, or I may accidentally put a hole in you."


hunt_the_devil January 10 2010, 02:24:30 UTC
"Oi watch it with the gay comments or you might just find yourself waking up outside in the cold for some reason hmmm."

John glanced at the gun and smirked as he lifted up a larger one and aimed, but not firing just yet.

"Just don't forget to take the safety off this time alright princess. Wouldn't want you lookin' like a fool now would we buddy." Their easy banter back and forth was one of the only things in camp that kept John sane some days. He fired off a shot before glancing over at Bradley.

"Oh an' don't be scared of the loud bangin' noises, that's normal when you fire a gun not that you'd remember."


lightbulbtrix January 10 2010, 17:15:24 UTC
"Do that and you'll become a magnet for repelling technology." Bradley quipped back. Neither had forgotten waking up to the electricity cut from the camp or finding themselves crash landing onto some poor soul's breakfast table.

Chris watched as John fired off a shot. He was no slouch, but neither was Bradley. Being too timid for his own good didn't equal not knowing how to fire a gun properly. He took careful aim, and squeezed off a shot. "Might want to watch where you're aiming, pal. Somebody might get hurt. Namely you."


hunt_the_devil January 10 2010, 18:23:33 UTC
"Yeah yeah you're all talk my friend, all talk." John emptied the clip into the target in quick succession, slowly lowering the weapon and looking out across the snowy range.

"Thanks for your concern Bradley but I reckon I can handle my weapon just fine." He chuckled a little at his own comment before stepping back to watch Chris and waiting till he'd finished firing before he spoke up again.

"So... you met Mortimer Toynbee yet by any chance?"


lightbulbtrix January 11 2010, 09:58:32 UTC
Bradley let off a few more quick shots. His aim wasn't poor, but wasn't great either. "Oh, the concern isn't for you, John. It's for me." He stepped behind John, as if in mock terror. "The safest place when you're shooting off that thing is right here."

"Yeah, he seems like a decent sort, if a bit slimy." Chris meant that quite literally, as first encounter with Toad had left him wiping the goop off his hands.


hunt_the_devil January 11 2010, 21:30:14 UTC
John thumped Bradley playfully on the shoulder when he was done pretending to "fear" John firinf a weapon. "You just better watch your ass next time we're out on a mission. I'd hate to shoot the wrong target an' all."

He reloaded the gun and positioned himself once again. "I know exactly what you mean about the slime. He seems... alright." John wondered if he sounded a little jealous, which he wasn't at all, he just felt that there was something about Mortimer that he couldn't quite put his finger on. Probably just a case of the twitches anyway.


lightbulbtrix January 11 2010, 22:14:17 UTC
Chris returned Wraith's thump by whacking the cowboy hat just hard enough to send it tilting off kilter on his head. "I'll just have to remember to hide behind Fred then."

Bradley took his time reloading his weapon. It would be just like him to find out he had been putting in the empty shells instead of the cartridges. He noticed the change in John's tone, and wondered. "Something you don't like about him?"


hunt_the_devil January 11 2010, 22:40:27 UTC
Straightening the hat, John chuckled a little. As a rule no-one touched the hat apart from his close friends so it was no surprise Bradley abused the friendship. "Aww get your mitts off my hat or else I'll start thinkin' you do want to look like a gay cowboy." He aimed the gun and then lowered it with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I dunno Bradley just somethin' about the guy. Probably me bein' stupid huh? Anyway Fred seems to think the world of the guy an' he seemed to give a damn about Fred."

And a friend of Fred's was more than certainly a friend of theirs. Right?


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