change of look - open

Dec 28, 2009 02:20

She honest to God hadn't meant to make such a mess. She'd tried to be as careful as possible, and really, that was a struggle for her at the best of times. The peroxide was easy to find, the lemon juice, well, she'd just used some from the fridge, and really, she'd been dying her hair since the seventh grade ( Read more... )

✝ laura 'x-23' kinney, ✝ louisa 'lou' worth-canns, ✝ john 'kestrel' wraith

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x_twenty3 December 29 2009, 05:37:52 UTC
Laura was not the type to drift into a room. She walked with a purpose, even when crossing a room to obtain some item of importance or another. That being said, she also knew how to walk silently at all times ( ... )


micro_power December 29 2009, 11:29:57 UTC
She was only mildly creeped out, mildly. And pulling her hair back and away from the girls nose was her only indication of it. Yeah; this place had a few weird ones at times. "It's the peroxide. The lemon just stops it going pure white." Because she didn't want to be bleach blond, just blond.

She spoke strange, and her mannerisms were weird as hell, but then Lou had already seen a few weirder people -like the guy who had a frog-like tongue. That was beyond weird.

"Haven't you ever dyed your hair?"


x_twenty3 December 29 2009, 20:20:03 UTC
"Hmm," Laura left her comment at that, her head tilted slightly as she continued studying the girls hair. She seemed even more interested in it once Louisa pulled her hair behind herself. Why? Did she not like it?

"Never." Again, another one word sentence from the girl. She'd never needed to dye her hair for anything. Not even missions where she went in disguise.


micro_power December 29 2009, 23:20:46 UTC
"Well, I guess you have pretty enough hair." Lou nodded, she'd just gotten tired of the brown, it was closer to her natural color than what she had right then, but it was still dyed.

"I just, dye it a lot. For fun." She shrugged a shoulder, only a little uncomfortable.


x_twenty3 December 29 2009, 23:34:58 UTC
"It is pretty," Laura stated with a very small and very brief smile. "I like it." Complimenting people. She could do that. She just hoped she did it right.

Unfortunately, once the compliment was gone, Laura went back to her slightly rigid and odd behavior. She was never going to learn.

"Changes can be nice. That is why...this is fun?" She had to know. Laura was still trying to understand.


micro_power December 30 2009, 00:05:36 UTC
"Exactly," Lou smiled, "it's fun, change things up a little." She didn't like the same thing for too long, but then, hair coloring was just easier than the more drastic measures.

"You've never felt like just changing things up a little? Getting something new and fresh in there?" Maybe she'd just never been amongst a lot of girls, Lou figured that she was more boyish because of her brothers, but her time at school exposed her to the girly things in life. Like hair dye.

Maybe Laura just never had that, or she was enforced into military from a young age. Or was just really weird.


x_twenty3 December 30 2009, 00:27:14 UTC
Laura shook her head, frowning just slightly. "It was never part of life." Now she felt mildly uneasy, picking at her fingernails just slightly before dropping her hands to her sides. She didn't feel the need to share much about life at the moment. And it didn't even feel like her life anymore, anyway. A lot had changed since then.

"What is your name? I am Laura."


micro_power December 30 2009, 00:33:07 UTC
"Yeah; my dad wasn't fond on the hair dying either. He got mega annoying about it." Louisa just took that as what Laura meant, shrugging slightly and ignoring the tension.

"I'm Louisa, but everyone calls me Lou; it's what my brothers called me." It also seemed she'd developed a little verbal vomit. "I mean, Louisa is fine, if that's what you prefer. It's just always been easier for people to say Lou, it's shorter so, whatever. Although, my mom always yelled Louisa when I got into shit. Which was a little often."

And then she noticed she was just talking for talking sake, "I'm sorry, I'll shut up now."


x_twenty3 December 30 2009, 00:45:35 UTC
Laura was confused again. Louisa had apologized for speaking but the clone just did not understand why. She thought about what Lou had said, running it through her mind a few times before turning her eyes to Lou again.

"There was no need to apologize for speaking. You said nothing offensive." Nothing that Laura recognized, at any rate. "Or have I missed something?"


micro_power December 30 2009, 00:57:46 UTC
She ran her hands through her hair, "No, I just, sometimes I just keep talking, and I really shouldn't." With a tight, apologetic smile, Lou turned to start cleaning up.

"Sorry if the mess annoyed you or something, I didn't mean to let it get so out of hand, but I think I was more focused on not messing my hair up that I forgot about the kitchen." The lemons were thrown in the bin, the peroxide washed down the drain carefully while the packet was packed up with the shampoo she'd used.

"I did have the sense to clear out the food." She wasn't a total space case.


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