Lost Time - OTA

Dec 11, 2009 20:08

Hope wasn’t quite exactly sure what had happened to her week. Ever since people had been changed to children, she had started hiding in the lab and the Med Bay to avoid them. She had gotten a lot of good work done but now she realized she had no idea what had been going on with everyone else.

Essentially she had lost a week of time. Her mind still thought it might possibly be Monday. Of course she logically knew that wasn’t the case but her internal clock was struggling to catch up. This was actually common for her. In college, during finals she had lost weeks while studied. There was really nothing she could do but at least everyone seemed to be back to normal now.

She sat in the mess hall with a cup of coffee, doodling molecules on a legal pad while she took a break and let her mind rest. She could probably win the Nobel Prize if she ever published any of the genetics work she was doing here. Sadly, that would never happen. All this top secret science was exhausting and frustrating sometimes.

She smiled in amusement when she saw she had drawn a caffeine molecule and shook her head at herself.

“You need to get out more, girl.”

[ooc: I'm done with finals and celebrating with RP!]

✝ fred 'blob' dukes, dr hope chandler, atticus bergenson

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