
Nov 26, 2009 20:22

She had left her room. Unable to concentrate. The girl with wings -Esme her name was- was rather distracting at times. Yuriko did not stare, but she did consider things. She had to clear her mind. That was the only way to achieve her state of meditation.

Normally, she would venture outside to find a quiet locale to meditate. Currently she couldn't. Although she would heal from any form of frostbite she may inflict upon herself, her synthetic bones protested rather loudly to being in the cold so long. The strain on the metal was starting to have a detrimental effect on Yuriko's training.

She instead found herself in the rec room. Her odd metallic eyes following each instance of movement in the room. She would not meditate here. It was not suitable. However, she did sit a while, watching.

✝ fred 'blob' dukes, ✝ jason 'j-143' stryker, ✝ yuriko 'deathstrike' oyama

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