Unexplained Absence [ota]

Nov 26, 2009 13:17

For Alison, the trip back to America had been a rather depressing one. She'd been the lucky individual selected to escort Evan Hosier's body back to Boston, where she'd handed over the remains to his father and step mother. The entire thing had been emotionally draining.

Why the hell one of the people who actually knew him couldn't do it, she didn't know.

Coming back to Russia was almost a blessing, although she'd considered just jumping ship. It didn't sit right with her, so she got back on the plane and flew to St Petersburg. It took a while, without the escort back to base, but Alison managed to hitch a ride along the road and walked the remaining distance to the base.

She was loathe to admit it, but she was getting used to the cold, and there were a few faces she'd wondered about -namely if Jack had offed Pyro while she was gone. In which case, she was not going anywhere with that body. And Jack could rot in hell.

With a heavy sigh, Dazzler finally made it back to base. The only thing she wanted then was a hot shower and a bed.

[ooc: my sincere apologies for being MIA for so long. My mother-in-law got dreadfully ill, turns out it was swine flu, all is getting better, so I should be more present from here out.

Thanks for the nudge Emma-mun. Also, hi new people!]

✝ louisa 'lou' worth-canns, ✝ alison 'dazzler' blaire, mark 'martini' martinez

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