Introducing Phobia [OTA]

Nov 21, 2009 01:28

She wasn't the kind to mind where she ended up, so long as it wasn't the end. There were options. With this place the options were limited, but still there. Limitations, Sin wasn't fond of at all, but it was a job, it was a place to stay, it was decent. She'd deal. Even if she didn't work for the Americans, even if she didn't rightly care for their ( Read more... )

[content] arrival, victor creed, ✝ cynthia 'phobia' doe, ✝ nicky creed

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Comments 17

watch_the_nails November 21 2009, 08:41:21 UTC
He recognised her scent before he saw her. He couldn't quite place it, that feminine smell that seemed familiar somehow, but it brought back pleasant memories of sour wine, dingy bars and French cigarettes, better times spent with Logan and other drinking partners - and that's when it clicked. He knew that scent now, and it brought a huge grin to his face.

Strolling towards the woman, he smirked, genuinely pleased to see her - and that wasn't something that happened very often with Victor. Sure, the girl had spooked him once, but that'd been a while back - and it was better to start off with her on good terms here rather than risk her doing that again. Besides, he could do with having a decent drinking buddy again. Smiling, he walked right up to her, the tone of his voice amused and sarcastic - like it usually had been whenever he'd spoken to her before.

"Hey there, sweet-cheeks. What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?"


fearingfear November 21 2009, 12:27:43 UTC
Of course, how could anyone forget the bulk, the fangy grin, that chuckle. Sin turned to face him and just grinned back. "I could say the same about you, toots." It seemed English would be her primary language then. Fair enough.

Instead of the usual 'hug an old acquaintance' sort of thing, Sin settled for a punch to his shoulder; typically a man way of not having an awkward personal space issue, but Sin had the same awkwardness there.

"Damn, but if I'm not surprised to see you here. They got good rates on the liquor?"


watch_the_nails November 21 2009, 14:42:00 UTC
"How does 'free' sound?" he laughed, pretty sure that he and Logan still had a bottle or two stashed in their room somewhere. Kat had smuggled some vodka in for them a few days back, and he hadn't finished his yet. He gave her a playful swipe around the head with his claws sheathed, fluffing at her hair with a grin. That's what he'd always liked about her, the way she was one of the boys despite having a body that just screamed otherwise. "Guess you made Stryker's hit-list too, huh?"


fearingfear November 21 2009, 15:27:47 UTC
She chuckled as she fixed her hair, pulling her red strands back around her shoulders. "Guess so," she grinned, "somehow they found me."

She wasn't really all that concerned with it. Less so now. Drinking buddies like Creed and Logan were few and far between. No one held liquor like those two.

"Your brother here too? Or is this you branching out a little, tooth?"


createdevidence November 23 2009, 07:14:24 UTC
Nicky was goofing off not doing anything important just for the moment being a kid. He spotted the new woman with red hair and stopped to watch her. He slowly made his way toward her trying to decide if he should be friendly and greet her or hang back. Some of the new people he wasn't so sure if they wanted any kind of greeting from him or not.


fearingfear November 23 2009, 21:56:29 UTC
Of course, Sin spotted him, and smirked.

Mostly, adults were disapproving of her, kids usually stared. So this was new. Although she did somewhat recognise him slightly, she just didn't know where from. "Hey," she called over, "I don't bite."

Unless asked really nicely.


createdevidence November 24 2009, 00:00:07 UTC
For once Nicky couldn't stop his smart alec answer,"Maybe I do."

He made his way over toward her running his hand through his hair. "I mean..."


fearingfear November 24 2009, 00:10:11 UTC
Sin just chuckled, "I'm sorry, you're a little young for me." But clearly a wise one.

And that's when it struck her, this boy was in Victor's head, he was scared for the boy. One of his biggest fears, loosing the child. Victor's? Or James'? Sin didn't know that much.

"I'm Cynthia, but call me Sin." She said, a small smile on her face, "So how hard do you bite?"


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