Let's play ball! (OTA - nudge to Kurt as I reckon this could make for a fun game!)

Nov 20, 2009 21:47

The arrival of the ping-pong table had been in John's humble opinion one of the most exciting things to happen in a while in camp. Not that he'd go around telling everyone this fact, he instead had played it cool. John had avoided the rec room in hope that the interest and level of activity around the ping-pong table would die down enough so that ( Read more... )

✝ kurt 'nightcrawler' wagner, ✝ john 'kestrel' wraith, chris 'bolt' bradley, ✝ jessica 'siren' davies, ✝ allison 'magma' crestmere

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lightbulbtrix November 21 2009, 08:56:31 UTC
Chris wandered into the rec room. A Ping! made him turn his head. He wasn't sure when they had gotten a ping pong table, but John and a newcomer were having a match that had become very fast and intense. It was made only the more complicated by both teleporting back and forth. It was making him dizzy, and he tore his eyes away for a moment.

Looking back, he nodded to John. He hadn't seen his friend in ages. "I'm putting five dollars you winning, cowboy. Don't disappoint me."


hunt_the_devil November 21 2009, 09:15:25 UTC
John acknowledged Bradley with a grin aimed in his general direction just before he teleported again to send the ball falling back across the table.

"Only five bucks? You're a tight one aren't you Bradley?"

It was good to see his friend but John was torn between wanting to win this game and socialise with his friend.

"Bradley meet Kurt," He vanished, reappeared and hit the ball. "Kurt meet Bradley, our resident tech guy."


lightbulbtrix November 21 2009, 09:23:08 UTC
Bradley's head whipped back and forth as he followed the engaging match. "I gamble more with my life than my money. Besides, in Russia, that equals a hundred something rubles."

Chris nodded to the other teleporter. It was interesting watching the other teleport, similar to John, but not quite, with the smoke and that awful stench he couldn't quite place. "Pleased to meet you, Kurt."


fuzzylittleprob November 21 2009, 14:48:32 UTC
"Hallo," Kurt replied with a cheery (if fierce) smile in Bradley's general direction while his eyes followed the ball he'd returned. "And if the cowboy here doesn't want your money--" a small glance spared, eyes as smiling as his mouth, "then maybe you should bet on me. I will win, after all."


flowlikemagma November 21 2009, 09:32:06 UTC
Allison heard the sound of ping pong going in the rec room, following it to see Chris head inside. Apparently, there was something worth watching inside. Moving down the hall, she poked her head in, seeing John and someone she hadn't met yet both teleporting to catch wildly aimed shots.

She heard Chris lay down his bet, and she sidled up to him, her arms crossed and a grin on her face. "Twenty on the new guy." Her eyes didn't leave the frantic and really cool to watch match going on in front of her.


hunt_the_devil November 21 2009, 09:45:05 UTC
"Bradley you better raise your bet!"

He grinned at Allison as he vanished once again, the ball was barely connecting with the table now and the whole rec room was going to become fair game for the challenge at this rate. The scent of sulphur didn't bother John anymore, he was too focused on the ball and Kurt's next move to worry about anything else really.


lightbulbtrix November 21 2009, 09:54:43 UTC
Chris turned his head towards the firey mutant and snapped his it back to the game just as quickly. He grinned as John teleported to catch a particularly skillful shot. He had confidence in the teleporting cowboy.

"You're on, Alli. Twenty five on John."


fuzzylittleprob November 21 2009, 14:58:35 UTC
"I think the beautiful lady is going to be the one cashing in," Kurt grinned, winking in the blonde's direction. It turned out to be a bad move at this point, distraction (she was pretty), because the shot from John came flying at his face.

Kurt stumbled back, disappearing just before the ball hit his nose. It sailed through the smoke left behind and headed toward the back wall.

Kurt got there first. He appeared on the wall, sticking to the flat surface about midway up, crouched, and smacked the ball back with a good backhand and a triumphant, "nehmen sie das!"


flowlikemagma November 21 2009, 15:31:45 UTC
Allison grinned at John and shook her head. "Goin' down, man." She turned to Chris and ponied up a twenty and a five, laughing as Kurt complimented her, nearly lost the ball, and recovered beautifully. She let out a whoop, then looked at Chris.

"Yeah, I'll definitely take that bet." She looked over at Kurt, her face nearly hurting for the grin plastered across it. "I'll split the winnings with you, new guy."


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