*Rec Room* - OTA

Oct 11, 2009 23:49

Ric was bored.

Bored of snow.

Bored of ice.

Bored of landing on his arse everytime he stepped outside and didn't watch his footing (not helped by not wearing the correct footwear, I mean come on how the heck was he meant to remember to change his boots everytime he wanted to venture out for a cigarette!?)

Bored of wearing a hundred and one layers only to realise he need the toilet and was going to have to strip again.

Bored of not sharing a room with Rogue.

Bored of the curfew.

Bored of listening to Wade talk in his sleep.

Bored of... everything!

Sitting in the Rec room, Ric was fiddling with the remote control to the television that Bradley had managed to fix. Occasionally it cut out, especially when it snowed of the wind really picked up but that was all forgiven seeing as somehow the television now picked up a nice wide range of channels.
  Flicking through the channels Ric paused on a local Russian one where some bloke in a funky looking hat was gesturing violently about as he spoke and then it cut to a grainy image where two Russian soldiers were dancing... and then more people joined. They were leaping about screen rather athletically all the while grinning away as traditional music played in the background.

Mesmerised by what was on screen Ric watched on unsure if it was some kind of television programme about practical jokes or actually military personnel. He had to admit though the tune was kind of catchy as he found himself tapping a foot along to the beat.


((OOC: It's a genuine bonafide video clip on youtube))

✝ noriko 'surge' ashida, ✝ neena 'domino' thurman, mark 'martini' martinez, julio 'rictor' esteban richter, ✝ james logan, ✝ elizabeth 'el' gamble

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